Click on photos below to read Honoree Bios
Tiferet Award
Keter Shem Tov Award
Dor Chadash Award
Distinguished Leadership Award

Dear Beth Jacob Family,
We are incredibly excited to be honoring the following Beth Jacob community leaders at this year's Tiferet Gala:
  • Tiferet Award Honorees - Lisa & Hugo Rose
  • Keter Shem Tov Award Honorees - Pam Rubin & Family
  • Dor Chadash Award Honorees – Amanda & Ben Roth
  • Distinguished Leadership Award - Lili Bosse, Beverly Hills Mayor
Mazal Tov to all our honorees on their well-deserved honors!
Please join us for a memorable evening celebrating our amazing honorees at the Petersen Automotive Museum on Sunday March 19th at 6pm.  Get ready for a fantastic evening filled with great music, unique cocktails, whiskey bar and delicious Pats food - surrounded by your favorite people.
We look forward to welcoming every one of you, as it's your presence that makes our community what it is.

Looking forward to seeing you there!
The Beth Jacob Gala Committee
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