Dinner and Wine Options
All gifts $1,000 and over will be commemorated on a Wall of Honor in the Sderot Crisis Center, includes Dinner and Premier Bottle of Kosher Wine
A Gift of $720 includes Dinner and Premier Bottle of Kosher Wine
A Gift of $540 includes a Premier Bottle of Kosher Wine
All donors who are eligible for a Premier Bottle of Kosher Wine and/or $100 kosher restaurant certificate in your area will be contacted within 48 hours of registration by Elan Kornblum of Great Kosher Restaurants International with a list of Kosher wine options redeemable on KosherWine.com and restaurant certificates to participating Kosher restaurants in your area. 
Kosher wine is valued as a $25 online code redeemable for select wines on www.kosherwine.com.
For more information, please contact Elan at [email protected] 
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