Chizuk Amuno - Eric Beser

Eric is a Baltimore native, growing up in Baltimore Hebrew Congregation where he married his wife Kay in 1972. He joined Chizuk Amuno when his daughter Erin was 2 and started to participate with his children in the Rosenbloom religious school. As his daughter Erin and son Ari grew up through the family life of Chizuk Amuno, he became active in the brotherhood, as a board member, and then going through the ranks of Vice President and then as President of the Brotherhood.  As president, his programming efforts grew the club from 60 members to over 175 members.  His program ideas became mainstay programs drawing crowds of participants. Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood’s Men Meat and Midrash program each year draws 60 to 80 participants in lively diner and discussions. Eric refers to his participation in the Brotherhood based on a description his daughter explained to a friend when she was in high school; “It’s like USY for men!” 

Eric is reducing time in his professional activities as he eases into retirement, but is spending more time with Seaboard and FJMC activities.  He is designated to be the next 1st VP for the Seaboard region and is looking forward to working at the regional level.

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