Rodef Sholom - Steven Shapiro

I am currently a member of the Rodef Sholom Temple Men’s Club and try to participate in many of the activities as I can, my favorite being Men’s Club Shabbat where I have a chance to lead Friday night services and offer a D’Var Torah. Recently, thanks to Alex Pomerantz, a representative of each of the three Men’s clubs in the Hampton Roads area met to talk about scheduling joint events/programs that would be open to the families of all three clubs. I’m excited to represent Rodef Sholom Temple on this steering committee and look forward to the partnership/fellowship.

I was born and raised in Baltimore, MD and attended and was Bar Mitzvah’ed in an Orthodox synagogue, though these many years later, I feel much more comfortable in a Conservative community. I am the Deputy Director of Community Development for the City of Hampton, where I have worked for the past 35 years. My hobby, when not working and when not recovering from a broken ankle and surgery, is race walking. I’m currently on a mission to walk a marathon in all 50 states, and have so far completed 40 states. The aforementioned ankle surgery has delayed my progress towards the last 10 states.

I’m truly honored and humbled to be selected as Rodef Sholom Temple’s Blue Yarmulke Man of the Year for 2020.     

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