Shulamith School for Girls
In recognition of the Board of Directors
Ari Cohen, President           Benjy Goldstein, Treasurer
Yechiel Bromberg              Menachem Gelbtuch 
Dov Hertz                          Yankee Hirsch
Leora Mishaan                   Henoch Morgenstern 
Moshe Pilevsky                   Ken Schuckman 
Shlomo Wilamowsky

Your passion and vitality for the success of Shulamith is unparalleled as you work countless hours to ensure the stability and vitality of our school.
May Hashem grant you the strength to continue all that you do on behalf of the administration, staff and talmidot of Shulamith School for Girls.

It has been an incredible year and I look forward
to working with you for many years to come.

Malka Fishman
Executive Director
Shulamith School for Girls
To my colleagues and friends
Mrs. Estee Scher
Mrs. Joyce Yarmak
Mrs. Rookie Billet
Dr. Evelyn Gross
Mrs. Rina Zerykier

It's an inspiration to work alongside
all of you each and every day.
Your tireless devotion to Shulamith is unmatched.
May Hashem grant you the strength to to continue
your dedication and commitment to making a difference
in the lives of all of your talmidot.

With admiration and appreciation,
Malka Fishman
Shulamith School for Girls
To our Honorees 
Tova & Duvi Kupfer
Josh & Arielle Spiegel
Shragi & Ahava Feldman
Ariela Fine
I have enjoyed getting to know you and your families.
You truly exemplify all that Shulamith stands for.

In the merit of extending yourselves in such a
magnanimous way on behalf of our school, may Hashem
bless you with Nachat from all of your children.

May we share many milestones
as your daughters grow into true Bnot Yisroel

Malka Fishman
Shulamith School for Girls
Thank you to our
Shulamith Women's Organization
whose boundless dedication,
unique vision & significant support
have enriched the educational experience of our students
and demonstrated profound appreciation for our faculty.  
We truly appreciate your partnership.  
Mrs. Malka Fishman                           Executive Director
Mrs. Estee Scher                     Principal, Early Childhood
Mrs. Joyce Yarmak                   Principal, Lower Division
Mrs. Rookie Billet                    Principal, Middle Division
Dr. Evelyn Gross     Associate Principal, Middle Division
Mrs. Rina Zerykier                         Principal, High School

Shulamith School for Girls
In recognition of

Jason Cury and Joel Beritz
Gruss Life Monuments Fund
The Fund for Jewish Education
and the
Center for Jewish Initiatives
For their tireless efforts on behalf of
Shulamith School for Girls

We appreciate your kindness and generosity

May we continue to enjoy a rewarding relationship
$50,000 Benefactor
$50,000 Benefactor
Thank you to the entire administration, faculty, and staff at Shulamith
for all you do to make Shulamith the excellent institution that it is.
Mazal Tov 
Josh and Arielle Spiegel 
Thank you, Josh, for putting your heart and friendship into each amazing Simcha you help to create. Thank you for always graciously helping Shulamith whenever you're asked... especially this honor! We all know it wouldn't be possible without the support of your wonderful wife, Arielle! May you have continued nachat
from each other and your beautiful children until 120!
Mazal Tov
Ariela Fine
Shulamith, and our daughters, have been lucky
to have such a talented teacher!
Congratulations to the Kupfers and Feldmans
for their continued support of Shulamith. 
Adina and Benjy Goldstein and family
$50,000 Benefactor
Thank You to the entire Administration, Teachers, and Staff of Shulamith
for making our school a warm, nurturing place for our daughters and for cultivating
an educational environment that motivates the girls toward excellence in Kodesh and Chol. 
The dedicated group of moms at the SWO who selflessly
invest their time and energy into ensuring our girls' every need is taken care of.
Guests of Honor Duvi & Tova Kupfer for embodying the Jewish attribute
of naaseh v'nishma. The school consistently relies on your wisdom and assistance.
Young Leadership Awardees Josh & Arielle Spiegel who, from the moment
they first joined the school, cheerfully contributed ideas and expertise whenever asked.
Parents of the Year Shragi & Ahava Feldman for truly embodying the Shulamith values
of complete deference and commitment to Torah along with unabashed pride
in Medinat Yisroel.
Teacher of the Year Ariela Fine who makes learning interesting and fun, and always makes sure the girls have something unconventional and thoughtful to say at the Shabbos table.
With Gratitude,
Aliza and Moshe Pilevsky
$50,000 Benefactor
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on their well-deserved honors!
Your dedication to Shulamith is an inspiration to us all. 

Thank you to the outstanding administration
and faculty of Shulamith, our partners, 
who create a unique educational
and warm environment for our girls. 

Ilana Buchbinder and Bini Dachs
SWO Co-Presidents 

Nahva Bindiger and Sori Laufer 
SWO Vice-Presidents 
$25,000 Regency
In honor of the esteemed
Board of Directors
Renee and Philip Pilevsky
$18,000 Chai Sponsor
Mazal Tov
to this evening's honorees
Uri and Yael Cohen
$18,000 Chai Sponsor
Best Wishes
Esther and Armand Lasky
$18,000 Chai Sponsor
$10,000 Patron
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
on the well deserved recognition
for all you do on behalf of the school. 

A special Mazal Tov to
Morah Ariela Fine
You put your heart and soul into being mechanech your students.  
We have been the beneficiaries of your endless dedication
more than once and we will be forever grateful.

Elisheva, Avishai,
Aliza, Ariella, Nava, and Leora Neuman
$10,000 Patron
Congratulations to all the honorees.
Thank you for all you do for Shulamith.
Eli and Rhona Wilamowsky
$5,000 Diamond
$5,000 Diamond
Mazal Tov
to all of the honorees
on their well deserved honors.
A special Mazal Tov to
Mrs. Ariela Fine
Shulamith is lucky to have you
as a teacher and role model.
Adam and Bini Dachs
$5,000 Diamond
Mazal Tov
to all the honorees
Mark and Judy Frankel
$5,000 Diamond
In honor of the dedicated educators and staff
of Shulamith for the values and Chibat Zion
they're imparting to our granddaughter
Bailey Singer.
Rabbi David and Anita Fuld
$5,000 Diamond
In honor of our dear granddaughter
Lili Paritzky
on her graduation and
her stellar achievements to date.
You light up our life and fill us with pride. 
We love you so much.
Bobbi and Poppa
$5,000 Diamond
Thank you
to all of the honorees,
the members of the Board of Directors,
the principals and teachers,
the Executive Director and office staff
and all those who give of themselves
to make Shulamith the wonderful school that it is.
"'ישלם ה' פעלך ותהי' משכרתך שלמה מעם ה"
Laura and Dov Hertz
$5,000 Diamond
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Menachem and Shayna Landau
$5,000 Diamond
In tribute to
Shulamith School for Girls
Irving and Miriam Langer
$5,000 Diamond
In appreciation of the great efforts of
Mrs. Billet and Dr. Gross.
Thank you to Menachem Gelbtuch
and the entire Board of Directors 
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
Menachem and Mariam Lieber
$5,000 Diamond
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on your well-deserved honors.
May you continue your chesed
on behalf of Shulamith
and the entire community.
Mark and Shavy Schlossberg
$5,000 Diamond
Wishing a Mazal Tov to all of tonight's honorees!
Mazal Tov
You are a wonderful Morah
and a very special friend!
Thank you for devoting your time and love to our girls
and keeping them engaged in the beauty of Torah! 
With Love,
The Schuckmans
$3,600 Platinum
Mazel Tov to our friends and honorees 
on this well deserved honor.

With much gratitude and appreciation,
Menachem and Laya Gelbtuch
$3,600 Platinum
Thank You
to the wonderful teachers and staff 
Mazal Tov
to all the honorees
Barry and Atara Habib
$3,600 Platinum
$3,600 Platinum
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
on their
Foundations for Our Future Dinner
Eli and Raizy Levitin
$3,600 Platinum
Thank you to the terrific dinner chairmen
for making this dinner a smashing success!
Leora and Daniel Mishaan
$3,600 Platinum
In tribute to the people who make
Shulamith the terrific school it is
Shlomo and Rivka Wilamowsky
$2,500 Gold
In honor of
Ari and Chaya Cohen
Your incredible undertaking
on behalf of Shulamith
inspires all of us.
Menachem and Perel Ash
$2,500 Gold
In honor of
Ariela Fine
What a privilege to be able to call you a friend.
Your selfless dedication and tireless efforts
on behalf of the chinuch of our children
are truly admired and appreciated.
May Hashem continue to shower you
withBracha, Hatzlacha and continued
Nachas from your beautiful family.
Mazel Tov!
Adam and Sara Austein
$2,500 Gold
Congratulations to
Morah Ariela Fine
You have been a wonderful educator to our daughter
and we wish you the best on this well deserved honor.

Congratulations to
Shragi and Ahava Feldman
Your commitment to Shulamith School
and our children is inspirational.  

Best wishes to all the awardees
on your well deserved honors.

Chazak U'Baruch!
Roni and Zahava Benjamini
$2,500 Gold
Mazal Tov
on a well deserved honor
Eli and Sheri Brazil
$2,500 Gold
In honor of
the most amazing, organized,
friendly, inspiring, selfless, generous,
smart and well dressed parent.
And Josh.
Jeff and Rivi Edelman
$2,500 Gold
In recognition of the
outstanding faculty and staff.
Thank you for all you do. 
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Adam and Yael Eisenberg
$2,500 Gold
Mazal Tov
to tonight's honorees
Avi Essess
$2,500 Gold
Mazel Tov and best wishes
to our granddaughter
Morah Ariela Fine
Teacher of the Year
We are truly very proud on this occasion
of your well deserved honor.
May you continue your wonderful commitment
and accomplishments in educating our youth. 
Bubby and Zeidie
$2,500 Gold
Mazal Tov
to all the honorees
Elisha and Daniella Graff
$2,500 Gold
Congratulations to Arielle & Josh Speigel on this well deserved honor! You both give so much of your time and effort to help Shulamith in any way possible! You are both involved parents
who raise your children with true Shulamith values!
Mazal Tov to Ariela Fine on being Teacher of the Year!
Your amazing ability to teach in the classroom is only matched
by how special you are as a parent and as a person.
Congratulations to Duvi & Tova Kupfer 
and Shragi & Ahava Feldman on being tonight's honorees. 
Best wishes to the whole staff and faculty of Shulamith
for putting their hearts into the school.
Ruthy is the lucky beneficiary of all your hard work.
Kiki and Mendy Haas
$2,500 Gold
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty
and lay leadership
Elan and Nomi Jaffa
$2,500 Gold
In tribute to all the wonderful teachers,
assistants and staff.
Thank you for playing such meaningful
parts in our children's development,
education and achievements.
Jaffa Family
$2,500 Gold
We are delighted to honor our dear friends
Shragi and Ahava Feldman
as Parents of the Year
Mazal Tov!
Congratulations to Duvi and Tova Kupfer,
Josh and Arielle Spiegel and Ariela Fine
on their well deserved honors.
Thank you for all you do for Shulamith School for Girls.
Sori & Binyamin Laufer
Shani, Jacob, Aliza and Ari
$2,500 Gold
Thank you
Morah Estee Scher, Morah Deena, Morah Tzivi,
Morah Jennifer and Morah Robyn
for everything you do that sends Atara home
with a smile on her face every day!

Thank you Morah Aliza Lev for making
Atara's year even more amazing!

Thank you to all the hard working
Board Members of Shulamith
Racheli and Naphtali Lowy
$2,500 Gold
Congratulations to all
the deserving honorees
Michael and Aviva Oppenheim
$2,500 Gold
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
and to our Revered Menahelet,
Mrs. Yarmak,
and the entire staff for unmatched devotion
in creating a beautiful and nurturing learning
environment every day
for our children and grandchildren.
With deep Hakarat Hatov,
Kal and Ruki Renov
Ari Renov
$2,500 Gold
In honor of all of the incredible staff at Shulamith
for all that they do for our daughter Bailey.
In honor of Ariela Fine,
a lifelong friend and a wonderful teacher,
and Josh and Arielle Spiegel
and their beautiful family.
Special thank you to
Mrs. Yarmak and to Mrs. Fishman
for being such a pleasure to interact with
and for constantly working so hard to make Shulamith a better place.
Acharon chaviv:
to the tireless devotion shown by the board and others
who work so hard to make this all possible.
Tizku L'mitzvot
Aliza and Elie Singer
$1,800 Silver
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty
and lay leadership
Michael and Devorah Avrukin
$1,800 Silver
TEL 718-692-3888 FAX 718-377-2020
$1,800 Silver
In recognition of all the honorees
and their contributions to Shulamith
Moshe and Ilana Buchbinder
$1,800 Silver
Best Wishes to 
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty
and lay leadership
Mark and Andrea Coronel
$1,800 Silver
Mazal Tov to Shragi & Ahava Feldman
on a well deserved honor.
They are a couple that epitomize the essence
of the Shulamith parent body.
In recognition of Morah Ariela
and her caring and focused efforts
in developing and educating her Talmidot.
In honor of the Board and the Dinner Committee
for their selfless dedication to ensuring both the educational
and financial success of our school. 
In honor of the entire administration for all their heartfelt
dedication towards the success of our Talmidot.
Symi and Ephraim Diamond
$1,800 Silver
In recognition of
the wonderful teachers,
staff and administration
Mazal Tov to the honorees
Julie and Avi Feinberg
$1,800 Silver
Mazel Tov to
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
and all the honorees on your well deserved honors.
A special thank you to all the teachers and staff of Shulamith for all your hard work and dedication.
Thank you!
Yitzy and Tova Filler
$1,800 Silver
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty
and lay leadership
Reuven and Michal Garrett
$1,800 Silver
Mazal Tov to the honorees
Hadasa and Ben Gelbtuch
$1,800 Silver
In recognition of Malka Fishman
for all of her hard work on behalf of Shulamith
Thank you to all of Ella and Noa's teachers
for the superb job they are doing educating
the students of Shulamith
Mazal Tov to all of tonight's worthy honorees
Evelyn and Moshe Hirth
$1,800 Silver
Mazal Tov to the honorees
on their well deserved awards
Motty and Hadassa Jacobowitz
$1,800 Silver
In honor of all of the administration, faculty, staff
and dinner honorees, for your tireless work
on behalf of our wonderful school. 
A special Mazel Tov to
on a well deserved honor.
You are a role model both in and out of the school
and Shulamith is so lucky to have you. 
Arielle and Joseph Jaspan
$1,800 Silver
Best Wishes to Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty and lay leadership
Jay and Chani Kestenbaum
$1,800 Silver
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on your well deserved honor.
Your devotion to the school
is much appreciated by us all. 
Wishing you all much nachat today
and in all your future endeavors! 
Thank you to all of our principals, staff,
and the entire administration of Shulamith for your tireless dedication to our girls and our school.
Wishing you continued success!
Shmulie and Rochelle Klier
$1,800 Silver
Mazal Tov to all the honorees onyour well deserved honors.
In appreciation of Rebbetzin Billet and Dr. Gross.
Your commitment to excellence, wisdom and devotion
to every student makes Shulamith the unique place that it is.
May Hashem continue to grant you the strength
to lead the school for many years to come.
Special Hakaras Hatov to all of Miriam's teachers.
Nechama and Steve Landau
$1,800 Silver
Mazel Tov to
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
on your well deserved honor.
Thank you for your dedication and hard work
on behalf of Shulamith.
Congratulations to all the Honorees
on your well-deserved honors. 
Special thanks to Mrs. Estee ScherMrs. Robyn Lipsky,
and the staff of the Early Childhood Division,
who take such amazing care of our children.
May you all be zoche to continued nachas from
your families, friends and students.
Shira and Chaim Langer
$1,800 Silver
In honor of
Josh and Arielle
Ben Lowinger
$1,800 Silver
Mazel Tov to
Ariela Fine
and all the honorees
on these well deserved awards.
Chaim and Rebecca Schreck
$1,800 Silver
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
David and Debbie Seltzer
$1,800 Silver
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
Erez and Stephanie Shilo
$1,800 Silver
Mazel Tov to all the honorees,
especially our dear friend
Morah Ariela Fine
No honor can capture all that you do
for your family, friends, students and community,
but we are happy to join with Shulamith
and express our collective appreciation
for everything you do.
Heidi and Jon and Family
$1,800 Silver

Best Wishes to Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty and lay leadership
Devorah and Dovi Wachsler
$1,800 Silver
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty
and lay leadership
Amy and Moshe Weiss
$1,000 Bronze
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov
to tonight's worthy honorees
Josh and Naomi Abehsera
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov to Arielle and Josh
and all the honorees.
Had we known it was the Birches being honored,
this ad would have been in weeks ago...
who knew who the Spiegels were...
May you always use your extraordinary talents
to enlighten the lives of others!
Shout out to Adina and Benjy for their endless
commitment to Shulamith and our community.
Rachel and Abe Abittan
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well deserved honors.
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Shragi and Ahava Feldman
and family.
Your dedication to Shulamith
and our community is truly inspiring.
May you have continued Mazel and Bracha!
Mazal Tov to
Morah Ariela
who has been a wonderful teacher
and role model to our girls.
Continued Mazel and Bracha always! 
Jonathan and Sari
Batya,Mimi,Yali and Moshe Altmark
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov to
and to all the Honorees
on your well deserved honors.
Best wishes to Shulamith School
and its dedicated faculty and lay leadership.
Joyce and Eric Austein
$1,000 Bronze
In honor of
Josh and Arielle Spiegel
Elly and Elisheva Baum
$1,000 Bronze
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Nahva and Yoni Bindiger
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov to all of the honorees
on their well deserved honors
Ian and Sarah Boczko
$1,000 Bronze
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Best Wishes to Shulamith School for Girls and its dedicated faculty and lay leadership
Ari and Yael Cukier
$1,000 Bronze
To our dear friends
Duvi and Tova Kupfer 
We admire all the hard work you have done
on behalf of Shulamith.
We are so proud of you! 
Chaim and Suri Dienstag
$1,000 Bronze
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Lori and Moshe Eidlisz
$1,000 Bronze
In honor of
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
Josh and Keren Englard
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov to all the honorees.
Thank you to all of our daughters' teachers
who inspire them every day
Amy and Shmuel Farkas
Miriam, Josh, Jacob, Sarah, Ruthie,
Daniella, Judah and Joseph
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov & best wishes to our dear children
Shragi and Ahava Feldman 
A special couple who is well deserving of this honor as
We are so proud of you tonight and applaud you
for all you have accomplished on behalf of the כלל
We admire you for always being ready to lend
a helping hand in your Yeshiva, School, Shul and Community
May you continue to be dedicated and devoted parents
and a shining example of חסד in your community
יהי רצון שימלא ה' כל משאלות לבכם לטובה
Abba and Ima
Zevi and Michali Weissmandl
R' Moshe Nechemia and Yaeli Reichman
R' Shmuel and Mattie Hirshman and Families
$1,000 Bronze
Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Duvi Kupfer, Mr. and Mrs. Josh Spiegel
and Mr. and Mrs. Shragi Feldman on your well-deserved honors!
May you IY"H continue to accomplish great things 
and be leaders and role models for Klal Yisrael! 
Special thanks to Mrs. Yarmak and the Lower Division teachers
who gave our daughters, Eleora and Michal such a wonderful
elementary education and experience.
We would like to thank Mrs. Billet and Dr. Gross and the rest of the
Middle Division teachers on so many levels. Working for you and with you has been a privilege and an absolute honor. Having you as the teachers of our daughters during these very formative years, has been absolutely a gift. They have thrived in your care, and you have truly enhanced both Eleora and Michal's growth and development into Bnot Yisrael.
A special thanks to the SWO presidium for their selfless and consistent efforts
in enhancing the classroom experience of all the Shulamith students,
while simultaneously showing their constant appreciation for our teachers. 
Thank you to all our family and friends for joining us!
Ariela and Jeremy Fine
$1,000 Bronze
To our dear Ariela
מזל טוב
Teacher Par Excellence
Compassionate, inspiring, a bundle of energy and joy
A role model and mentor to her students
and all those she has touched.
Mom and Abba Fine
Ariel and Hudi
Nili and Chaim
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov to all the amazing honorees 
of this year's dinner. 
We are proud to have you as our friends,
fellow parents and colleagues.
May you continue to inspire others by
your good work, generosity and dedication.
Shoshana and Ari Fischman
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov to 
Ahava and Shragi Feldman
on this extremely well-deserved honor!
Mazal Tov to one of our favorite teachers,
Morah Ariela
on this well deserved honor!
Mazal Tov to all the other well-deserving honorees,
teachers and administrators.
כל הכבוד!
Ita and Adam Flug
$1,000 Bronze
In honor of the faculty and staff
for all the great work that they do.
Heshy and Gitty Friedman
$1,000 Bronze
Mazel Tov to
Duvi & Tova Kupfer
and to
Ariela Fine
on your well-deserved honors.
Thank you for all that you do for Shulamith.
Ilana and Ephraim Friedman
$1,000 Bronze
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Joey and Ricki Genachowski
$1,000 Bronze
Mazel Tov to all of the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
A special thank you to our dear friend
and amazing teacher
Morah Ariela Fine
Your dedication to our girls, excitement
for teaching and exemplary middot
make us so proud to call you our lifelong friend.
Mazel Tov!
Lauren and Michael Gewirtz
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov 
to all the honorees
Brian and Gila Gluck
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov to the honorees.
Thank you to the wonderful faculty and staff 
for the wonderful job they do educating
the girls of Shualmith.
Elliot and Shana Gluck
$1,000 Bronze
In honor of
Benjy and Adina Goldstein
and Mrs. Yarmak
Thank you for welcoming us into the Shulamith family
and for helping make the transition a pleasant one.
We look forward to many years of sharing
continued nachas from Atara and Batya.
Huvi and Pinni Goldstein
$1,000 Bronze
In honor of
Josh and Arielle Spiegel
You never cease to amaze us.
May you continue to see lots of nachas
from your beautiful family.
Huvi and Pinni Goldstein
$1,000 Bronze
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty and lay leadership.
Josh and Nadja Graff
$1,000 Bronze
Congratulations to
all the honorees 
on your well deserved honors
Suri and Richie Grossman
$1,000 Bronze
In honor of
Rina Zerykier
Aharon and Susie Gulkowitz
$1,000 Bronze
Best wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty
and lay leadership! 
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors!
Yael and Yoseph Gurevich
and Family
$1,000 Bronze
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty and lay leadership.
Noson and Audi Hecht
$1,000 Bronze
Mazel Tov to all the honorees.
A special Mazel Tov to
Morah Ariela
on your well deserved honor.
You are a true role model for all the girls and
we thank you for all your hard work and dedication.
Daniella and David Hercman
$1,000 Bronze
In honor of 
Aliza and Moshe Pilevsky
for all that you do for Shulamith
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
on this well deserved honor
Sherri and Basil Herring
$1,000 Bronze
In honor of the esteemed honorees
and the dedicated faculty who work tirelessly
to foster a spiritually and academically
healthy learning environment.
Volvi and Rachel Hirschprung
$1,000 Bronze
In honor of our granddaughter
Chaya Hoffman
Elliot and Gail Hoffman
$1,000 Bronze
$1,000 Bronze
On behalf of Global Operations Security Services,
we extend our heartfelt congratulations to
Shulamith School for Girls
for achieving another glorious year of success.
We want to thank this year's honorees
for your profound determination, leadership and
tireless efforts that you have provided to the Jewish community.
Please accept our best wishes for the continued success and fulfillment for this year and in the years to come.
Global Operations Security Services Inc.
$1,000 Bronze
In honor of
all the amazing teachers
and faculty at Shulamith
and in recognition of all the Honorees
Moshe and Idy Jacobowitz
$1,000 Bronze
In recognition of
Joshe and Arielle Spiegel
Bernice and Seme Joszef
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov to
Arielle & Josh Spiegel
and the rest of the honorees
on your well deserved honor. 
May you be only continue to do good things
for all of K'lal Yisroel 
Miriam & Jeffrey Kaufman
Allied Fire Control Services
Global Restoration Services
Great American Restoration Services
IC Hygienics Scientific Fire Prevention
$1,000 Bronze
In honor of
Ariela Fine
Elliot and Jennifer Kollander
$1,000 Bronze
$1,000 Bronze
In honor of this year's Dinner Chairmen
and Morah Ariela Fine
and the faculty and staff of Shulamith
Rachel and Shimon Laufer
$1,000 Bronze
Congratulations to
Josh and Arielle
on this special, well deserved honor.
You are such a wonderful couple,
always full of love and kindness.
We are truly honored to call you our friends
and love you like family.
Your girls and little Judah are shining stars
and are a reflection of the examples you set. 
Mazal tov to all the honorees!

With Love,
Nissy and Rivky Lebowitz
$1,000 Bronze
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty and lay leadership
Lenny and Mandi Madowicz
$1,000 Bronze
In honor of the Dinner Chairs 
and all of the honorees
and the dedicated educators at Shulamith
Moshe and Rivky Majesky
$1,000 Bronze
In recognition of all the amazing
teachers and administrators at Shulamith School for Girls!
Thank you so much for taking such good care of our daughters!
Special Mazal Tov to Ahava and Shragi Feldman on this well deserved honor.
Your dedication to Shulamith has known no bounds.
We feel truly honored to have you as our friends!
May Hashem give you continued strength to be able to continue
all the hard work you do on behalf of the school and the community.
Mazal Tov to Ariela Fine on this well deserved honor!
Although we were never blessed to actually have a daughter in your class,
the hard work and dedication to the girls at Shulamith that you display
is apparent to all! May Hashem give you the koach to be able to continue
to make such a hashpaa on the Shulamith girls for many years to come!
Mazal Tov to Duvi and Tova Kupfer and Josh and Arielle Spiegel.
Thank you for your dedication to Shulamith School for girls! 
Yakov and Mindy Moskowitz
$1,000 Bronze
In appreciation of the wonderful
Administration & Teachers!
Thank you for your dedication
to all of our girls!
Yossi and Shani Newman
$1,000 Bronze
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty
and lay leadership
Moshe and Jacqueline Oratz
$1,000 Bronze
$1,000 Bronze
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Asaf and Batsheva Rabinovitz
$1,000 Bronze
Dearest Ariela,
Mazal Tov on your honor as the teacher of the year!
... As well as being the greatest wife, mother, friend and more.
We think the world of you!
You are a person who exudes love, care, responsibility and action.
You touch each child's heart in such a special way,
that you've become one of those unforgettable teachers.

We are privileged to be your neighbor and very close friend!
We love you!
Misha and Estee Rapaport
$1,000 Bronze
Congratulation to all the honorees on your well deserved honors!

A special Mazal Tov to Morah Ariela Fine on being chosen
"Teacher of the Year"- we completely agree!
We truly appreciate your wonderful teaching and dedication!

We also thank the wonderful administration of Shulamith
Mrs. Yarmak, Mrs. Billet and Dr. Gross
and all the wonderful faculty for the excellent education
they have provided our children, Shoshana and Elana.
Your love and devotion is so very much appreciated!

We feel blessed to be "Shulamith Parents" and wish the school
much bracha and hatazlacha in the future!
With all good wishes,
Sarah and Eddie Reichman
$1,000 Bronze
To Our Dear
Tova and Duvi,
Guests of Honor is a most befitting honor bestowed upon you.
We know you as someone with a huge heart, always looking out
for others and always going above and beyond
to help someone in need.
You are tireless, caring and cheerful -
Middos any school is lucky to have in a parent
and especially as their Guests of Honor.
May you be Zoche to continue always having the strength
to help the next person with your smile and kind words.
From Your Revival Family
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$1,000 Bronze
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty
and lay leadership
Rosenbach Family
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov
to all of tonight's honorees
Sima and David Rosenfeld
$1,000 Bronze
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Jessica and Elly Rosman
$1,000 Bronze
Congratulations to
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
and the rest of the honorees on your
well-deserved accolades.
Your service to Shulamith and the wider Jewish community is a continued source of inspiration.
Congratulations as well to the entire school
and faculty on another successful year.
Eli and Esti Schiffmiller
$1,000 Bronze
Recognizing the efforts of
Shulamith School for Girls
Stan Schuckman
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov to
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
on a well deserved honor
You contribute so much of yourselves
to the community and school,
and you inspire everyone around you.
Many thanks to Morah Deena and Morah Tzivie
for educating and inspiring our daughter every day.
You always put a smile on her face.
Shmuel and Esther Sherman
$1,000 Bronze
In honor of our dear friends
Josh and Arielle
We are so proud of your amazing contributions
to Shulamith and the community!
Barbara and Mark Silber and Family
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors.
Thank you to the Shulamith administration,
teachers and staff for your tireless devotion
to our girls' education and growth.
Pamela and Sam Singer
$1,000 Bronze
In honor of
Mrs. Yarmak
and all of the wonderful teachers at Shulamith
for their devotion to our granddaughters
Bailey, Sarah and Annie Singer
Rabbi Dr. Israel and Evelyne Singer
$1,000 Bronze
When business associates become friends
and friends become family...
Arielle and Josh
We're truly honored to be counted amongst
your nearest and dearest.
May you only continue to do the great work
for the community which you so lovingly do.
Our best wishes for everything good! 
Rochella and Chaim Treitel
Luxe Event Rentals
$1,000 Bronze
Mazel Tov to
Josh and Arielle Spiegel
on this most amazing honor.
It is no surprise to give you guys the title of
"community service".
May you guys continue in good health
to be there for the school and all organizations
that you are so involved in. 
Shalom and Reena Vegh
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Shragi and Ahava
a couple most deserving of this honor.
Your commitment and caring toward others
serves as an inspiration to us all.
Wishing you much continued nachas from your beautiful family.
Mazal Tov to
Educator of the year
Ariela Fine
With tremendous Hakaras Hatov to
Mrs. Billet, Dr. Gross, Mrs. Yarmak, Mrs. Estee Scher
and the entire administration of Shulamith for the wonderful devotion you have shown to our girls and for instilling them with confidence, middos tovos, and a love for learning. 
Yisroel and Osna Wasser
$1,000 Bronze
Thank you to all the faculty and staff
who work tirelessly to inspire 
all the students at Shulamith
Ahron and Dassy Weiss
$1,000 Bronze
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty and lay leadership.
Josh and Alex Wolf
$1,000 Bronze
Mazal Tov to all the deserving honorees, and to the amazing faculty
at Shulamith High School For Girls. Wishing you much Hatzlacha!
We also would like to express our deep gratitude and Hakaras Hatov
to Mrs. Rina Zerykier for so many things:
her dedication and genuine interest in making Shulamith the greatest high school for girls.
We truly admire your determination, and the way you distinguish yourself as a dedicated professional who nurtures, guides and supports her students with wisdom, genuine kindness creativity and patience.
Our daughter Nina Bracha admires you very much, and you have been a strong role model for her in every possible way. Thank you for your sensitivity and for inspiring Nina Bracha to try harder than she ever did before. Thank you for teaching our girls to make a Kiddush Hashem by modeling with your own actions. Thank you for the tremendous support and for the time you invest into shaping the minds of today's children, which will guarantee us a beautiful tomorrow. 
May you have continued Hatzlacha in all that you do.
We are also very grateful to the Shulamith faculty who imbues love for learning and love for Torah and Mitzvos. Thank you for helping each student maximize their potential by being dedicated professionals
and by nurturing, and supporting all students with wisdom, genuine kindness, creativity and patience.
May we continue to share nachas and good news for many years to come.
The Yurovsky Family
$1,000 Bronze
$1,000 Bronze
In recognition of
the well deserving honorees
Penina and David Zilberberg
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to all of the honorees
Each of you is an exemplary role model
of what a Shulamith parent represents.
A special Mazal Tov to
Morah Ariela Fine
Who is not only a talented teacher, but an outstanding wife, sister, mother, daughter, and friend.
To know her is to love her, and we most certainly do!
Mazal Tov! 
Lisa and Chaim Abittan
$600 Full Page
Thank you to the incredible
Shulamith administration and faculty
for all that you do for our daughters!
Looking forward to seeing continued shared Nachas.
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
on your well deserved honor!
Neil and Susy Adler
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to
Josh and Arielle 
on this great occasion! 
May you continue to succeed
in everything that you do.
Yoni, Esti & Baby Audrey
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Tova and Duvi Kupfer
on this well deserved honor!
A wonderful couple whose quiet acts
of chessed inspire all who know them.
May you be blessed with continued
nachat from your children. 
Mazal Tov!
Yaakov and Mindy Alter
Menachem and Reut Berkowitz
Natan and Tanya Farber
Aaron and Elana Fleksher
Shimmy and Debra Orner
Eli and Liz Sinnreich
Mendy and Hindy Yudin
$600 Full Page
In honor of
Josh & Arielle
You have been blessed with
seemingly endless energy and talent
you are also wonderful role models
to your beautiful children
Mazel Tov 
Debbie and Simon Auerbacher
$600 Full Page
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty
and lay leadership
Chanan and Shirra Averbuch
$600 Full Page
Mazel Tov to
Ariela Fine
on your years of dedication
to Shulamith as an amazing Morah.
Mazel Tov to all the other honorees
on your well deserved honors.
Chani And Simcha Axelrod
and family
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to
Josh and Arielle Spiegel
on their Community Service Award
Thank you for all you do for the community
and for being such good friends.
May Hashem give you strength
to continue leading the way!
Tamara and Dovid Batalion and Family
Sally and Moshe Batalion and Family
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov
Morah Ariela
on your well deserved honor
and for a great year!!!
Ali and Aaron Bhatia
$600 Full Page
In honor of a very special couple
Josh and Arielle Spiegel
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor!
We are so proud of your accomplishments.
You realize that it is essential to get involved and help the community at large despite your schedules being crammed
and yet you have always dedicated yourselves
to your children and to your extended family.
Your impact is seen and felt through your children.
May you continue to be shining role models and may Hashem give you the strength to continue helping the klal and inspiring others.
Your friends at Birch Event Design Team
$600 Full Page
Mazel Tov and best wishes
to each and every honoree at the
2018 Shulamith School for Girls
Annual Dinner. 
May you continue to be an inspiration
to the community and to Klal Yisrael.
Birch Event Design Team
$600 Full Page
Best wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
In recognition of Malka Fishman
Beth and Reuben Blumenthal
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to all the honorees.
Yanky and Shira Bokow
$600 Full Page
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
Congratulations on
this well deserved honor.
From your friends at
Boro Park Center
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Bobby and Malkie Brunner
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Sarah and David Casden
$600 Full Page
In recognition of all
the wonderful faculty and staff at
Shulamith School for Girls
Pesach and Shira Chait
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Chait and Shteierman Families
$600 Full Page
Mazel Tov to our good friends
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
on this well deserved honor
Mendy and Atara Davidson
Dovi and Abby Ettinger
Ari and Leora Grinspan
Moshe and Tamar Katz
$600 Full Page
Josh and Arielle Spiegel
Congratulations on this well deserved honor.
May you be blessed with nachas
for many generations to come.
Levi and Miriam Eichenstein
$600 Full Page
To Our Dear Sister,
Morah Ariela
Mazel Tov on this very special honor!
You have brought so much excitement and joy into learning Torah with your students over the past many years of your teaching career.
It's hard to walk down the street with you without running into
your adoring students, their mothers and their grandmothers,
who all seem to know and love you!
It's well known that the devotion you have to your
many students' well being is of utmost importance to you.
May Hashem give you the strength to continue imparting the values
of the Torah and of life in and out of the classroom. We love you
and couldn't be prouder to call you our sister and aunt!!
Yael and Pinny,
Moshe Simcha, Miriam, Shalom Dovid,
Yaakov Tzvi and Talia Farkas
$600 Full Page
To our dear friends
Shragi and Ahava Feldman 
You are an inspiration to us all. We watch in admiration how you raise
your lovely family, while still managing to be pillars of our shul and community.
You are role models to us all - Shragi's  tireless efforts in our shul as president,
and Ahava's many roles in sisterhood and  head of the Chessed committee.

You are amazing friends and neighbors and there for everyone.
We are all proud of this honor bestowed upon you for your involvement
in your children's education and in their school.

Thank you Feldmans for all you do. May we continue to share
much nachas from you and your children!

Faigy and David  Feder
Shira  and Donny Greenberger
Sharon and Eddie Lustbader
Heather Rutner and Michael Plotsker
Deena and Yitzi Ritter 
Deena and Neil Shapiro
Tamara and Mordechai Shulman
$600 Full Page
With tremendous and deep appreciation for our
esteemed and loving principals
Mrs. Scher, Mrs. Yarmak, Mrs. Billet, & Dr. Gross
And to each and every one of the incredibly dedicated
Administration, Teachers, and Staff without whom
our daughters would not be the special girls they are today.
We are so grateful to Hakadosh Baruch Hu for the gift of
Shulamith School for Girls in our lives, and we daven that our children carry
their Shulamith-given knowledge, lessons, and inner beauty until 120.
No words could sufficiently or accurately express our sincere Hakarat Hatov
for every moment of every day that you have given of yourselves to partner in
raising our precious children. 
We may be the recipients of the 'Parents of the Year' award,
but tonight we share this title with you.
May Hashem give you the strength and passion to continue
planting, nurturing, and enjoying endless blossoms.
Humbly, respectfully, and with much love,

Ahava & Shragi Feldman
Chavi, Shmuli, Batsheva and Ayelet
$600 Full Page
Mazel Tov to our fellow Honorees
Duvi and Tova Kupfer, Josh and Arielle Spiegel, Ariela Fine
We are truly fortunate to share this evening with such inspiring
and influential members of our community.

It is empowering to know that we are all part of one Shulamith Family.
May Hashem give you the continued ability to make a difference.
With sincere thanks to the hardworking Dinner Committee led by
Mrs. Malka Fishman
For this absolutely beautiful and successful dinner.
With much appreciation to our amazing SWO for their tireless efforts,
day in and day out, for our daughters!
We appreciate each of you, and your strong dedication to Shulamith School for Girls
to ensure our girls are able to experience the best, and become the best they can be.

Most sincerely,

Ahava & Shragi Feldman and Family
$600 Full Page
In honor of our dear parents
Mom and Dad          Ima and Abba
We could not stand here tonight, accepting an award as parents, 
without the foundations you have laid for us. The examples you have set
and the lessons you have taught have made us who we are today, 
and for that we are truly grateful.
We wish you continued Nachas from your children and grandchildren, ka"h,
And we should all continue to make you proud.
אילן אילן במה אברכך שיהו פירותיך מתוקין, הרי פירותיך מתוקין- שיהא צילך נאה הרי צילך נאה
אלא יהי רצון שכל נטיעות שנוטעין ממך יהיו כמותך

To our special sisters and brothers, we are so thankful to have grown up
alongside all of you, as children and just as much now. We have learned so much
from your goals, your beliefs, and your accomplishments, and are so proud
to look to each of you for inspiration and strength. Thank you all from the bottom
of our hearts. May Hashem give us nachas from all of our children, ka"h,
and may we share in many smachot together.

With much love,
Ahava and Shragi

Ahava and Shragi Feldman
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on your well-deserved honors
Joshua and Judy Feldman
$600 Full Page
I don't know of any other parents as deserving as you to receive
this special honor which has been bestowed upon you.
You are both loving, devoted, caring parents who do so much
חסד for everyone and never think twice about it.
Thank you for being the wonderful parents that you are!
You truly are the very best.

Dear Mommy and Abba,
I love you!!
Thank you for caring for me.

$600 Full Page

To the best mother I could ever ask for...
I'm so proud of you and so happy
to be in Shulamith
that chose my mother to honor. 

Thank you for everything you do
for me and for the school. 
You deserve this! 
I love you! 

$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov
We are so proud of you for being honored as the
Teacher of the Year at Shulamith.
To us, you are always the Wife and Mommy of the Year,
and we are happy that your school has recognized everything you do for them as well. Anyone who has ever met you and benefited from your love, kindness, and energy, especially your students
and colleagues, knows how lucky we are to have you as our foundation in our home and in our lives.
May Hashem grant you the health and strength to continue to inspire and teach Jewish children for many years to come.
We love you,
Jeremy, Eleora, Michal, Shmuel, Yitzi, and Asher
$600 Full Page
In honor of
Josh and Arielle Spiegel
Shabtai and Rikki Fortgang
$600 Full Page
Mazel Tov to our incredible niece
Ariela Fine
on this well deserved honor.
You have touched so many students lives with
your knowledge, kindness and warmth. 
You are that teacher they will always remember
that made a difference in their lives.
We are personally so proud of the role model you are
in your school and our family, with Rabbi Jeremy,
your supportive family Bli Ayin Hara, by your side
who will always applaud your accomplishments.
We salute you and wish you continued Brachot!
May you continue to be a light to all your students
and the family who adores you!
With lots of love,
Ambassador David and Tammy
Talia & Katie
Mazel Tov to all the other Honorees!
$600 Full Page
In Honor of Our Darling Daughter
Morah Ariela Tal Fine
Tall, willowy and graceful, sparkling, loving,
loyal, funny and scrupulously devoted to the
education and guidance of your beloved students.
We are so proud of the woman and talented
Limudei Kodesh teacher that you are.
Mazal Tov to you, your fabulous husband,
Rav Jeremy and your wonderful children
B'Kavod, Ahava, V'Yedidut
Mommy and Tatty
Rosie and Mark Friedman
$600 Full Page
Mazel Tov to
Arielle and Josh
on a most deserved honor.
Rachel and Marc Fries
and Family
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Zev and Gila Gensler
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to our close friend
Ariela Fine
on this well deserved honor.
Your commitment and dedication
to Shulamith is remarkable.
May you continue your wonderful work
on behalf of the klal.
With much admiration,
Jenny and Danny Gerber
$600 Full Page
Dearest Arielle & Shua, am"ush
Our special sister and brother, the esteemed and devoted honorees.

In accordance to the letter we received, it seems we were put up
to write this ad as "D. All of the above" applies to us. So, here we are. 
In all seriousness (because we were kidding around until now), we are so happy
for you both to be honored by such a wonderful establishment as Shulamith!
We are so proud of all you do for the school and community at large.
ה׳ blessed you both with amazing qualities and strengths, when combined together created such a wonderful couple who are חסד oriented. Your love for helping others and making people truly happy is evident to all those lucky to know you.
May ה׳ continue to shower upon you ברכה & הצלחה to continue being exemplary role models for your children, family and friends. May you both have good health until 120 so you can continue being a true תורה source of נחת to ה׳ and continue impacting the lives of כלל ישראל in the most awesome and lovely ways you do!

We love you and are so proud of you both always! 
Avi & Rach
Hirsh & Dani 
all your nephews and nieces from the Giladi & Feierstein families
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Chanie and Nechemia Ginsburg
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov
Arielle and Josh Spiegel
on this huge honor
We could not be more proud
to count you both
among our closest friends.
Sam and Orly Glowitz
$600 Full Page
Mazel Tov
to our dear niece and cousin
Ariela Fine
on this most deserved honor.
You are a continued source
of inspiration and pride to all of us.
Cheryl, Sidney,
Matthew, Shiri, and Michael
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to tonight's honorees.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment
to our Shulamith community.
Our sincere Hakarat Hatov to
Mrs. Scher, Mrs. Yarmak, Mrs. Billet & Dr. Gross
for leading our school and serving
as excellent role models for our daughters.
Our greatest appreciation to
Morah Shayna, Morah Simona, Morah Naomi, Mrs. Katz,
Mrs. Futersak, Mrs. Gerber and the 6th Grade faculty 
you are the true honorees, today and every day!
We are proud & honored to be members of the Shulamith family.
Simcha and Mala Goldberg
$600 Full Page
Congratulations and best wishes
to all the deserving honorees
Tani Klein and Danyel Goldberg
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Ahava & Shragi Feldman
We admire all that you do for Shulamith
and the West Hempstead Community.
You are truly a source of inspiration to all.
Mazal Tov on this very well deserved honor.
May Hashem give you the strength to continue
to inspire us all. We are so proud of you
and honored to call you our good friends.
Yael and Dovi Greenberger
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov Josh and Arielle on this auspicious honor.
There could not have been more befitting honorees.
Josh and Arielle, in their very humble way, do tremendous
chesed and touch countless lives in our community.
This honor is not only for Josh, Arielle, and their children
but also for us, as your friends.
We are honored to have you as a part of our lives (despite the slightly longer commute for us over Broadway).
May you always continue to be on the giving end and use your talents to become pillars of our community, and may your exceptional children continue to follow in your footsteps.
We love you guys!
❤️ Grinspan, Roberg, Jacobowitz & Ovits families
$600 Full Page
Mazel Tov to all the honorees on your
well-deserved honors:
Duvi and Tova
Josh and Arielle
Shragi and Ahava
and Ariela
Thank you for all your hard work, devotion,
and commitment on behalf of our girls!
Moshe and Judith Grushko
$600 Full Page
To Josh and Arielle
Congrats on receiving
this well deserved award.
May you be showered with Brocha
and Hatzlocha for all you do
to bring simcha to the people around you.
All the best, 
David and Chaya Tova Hartman
$600 Full Page
To all of the incredibly dedicated, and talented teachers
and administration of Shulamith. Thank you so much for all that you do each day for our girls! Your warmth and devotion are evident in every interaction and we are so grateful.
Mazal Tov to Tova and Duvi Kupfer and all of the honorees
on your well deserved honor! We are amazed by your incredible energy and dedication. Thank you for all that you do!
Thank you to the dinner committee for all of your hard work and dedication that goes into making this night a success. May you continue to educate and inspire, and go mchayil el chayil.
With much appreciation,
Karen and Simcha Herrmann
$600 Full Page
Wishing a huge Mazal Tov
to our dear friends, 
Tova and Duvi
as well as all the honorees
at this year's dinner. 
Additionally, we would like to express our appreciation
for the wonderful Morot and Menahalot at Shulamith, who care for and educate our daughters
with love each and every day.
We are forever grateful!
Zahava and David Hersh
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to
Josh and Arielle Spiegel
on the well deserved
Young Leadership Award
Ralph Herzka
Meridian Capital Group
$600 Full Page
We extend Mazal Tov wishes
and our deep appreciation to all of the honorees.
May Hashem continue to bless them
and take them me'chayil el chayil. 
We are likewise thankful to our dedicated administration, talented faculty and tireless
Board of Directors for their hard work and
commitment to Shulamith. 
Finally, thanks to the Dinner Committee
for making this evening so special.
Yankee and Tammy Hirsch
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to the
Kupfers and Spiegels
Thank you for all you do for Shulamith.
To Morah Ariela
Yasher Koach for your hard work and dedication
as an excellent Morah and role model
To Ahava and Shragi Feldman
We are so happy to have you as friends.
You are amazing role models to your beautiful children
and to all us parents. You are dedicated community members and
two people who constantly exemplify midot tovot in all that you do. 
Mazal Tov and you should have
continued nachas from your children.
Yitzy and Naomi Hollander and Family
$600 Full Page
We are proud to join in honoring
Josh & Arielle
and to support
Shulamith School for Girls
Julie and Brian Jedwab
$600 Full Page
To a most deserving couple who are always there for
our family and for the greater community.
Arielle and Josh Spiegel
May Hashem repay the simcha that you give to
everyone with your own simchas ha'chaim,
nachas from your beautiful family,
good health and the strength to continue
your exemplary acts of tzedaka and chesed
in the myriad of causes your involved in.
Laurie and Mitch Kirschner
$600 Full Page
To the couple who deserves this
more than anyone,
Josh and Arielle
Mazel Tov!
We are so proud to call you our friends and even prouder to consider you family. Thank you for always being there for us!!! We love you! And may we
only share in many more simchas together!
XO, The Vaturis and The Kirschners
$600 Full Page
We are overjoyed
to pay honor and tribute to
our dear friends
Arielle and Josh Spiegel
who have long understood and taught by example that
"Greatness is not found in possessions, power,
position, or is discovered instead
in goodness, humility, service and character"
Gittie & Gary Klein
Miriam and Yosef Lowy
Devory & Yossi Davidson
and your four legged friend OREO
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors.
A special Mazal Tov to our good friends,
Tova & Duvi Kupfer
Your dedication to community and school
is truly appreciated by us all.
Gila and Yitzi Kolodny
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to the Honorees
A special Thank You to all the
Teachers and Administration 
Meir and Alisa Krengel
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Yehudah and Malya Kunstler
$600 Full Page
With tremendous gratitude to the hanhala of Shulamith:
Mrs. Estee Scher, Mrs. Joyce Yarmak, Mrs. Rookie Billet,
Dr. Evelyn Gross, Mrs. Rina Zerykier, and Mrs. Malka Fishman,
We would like to extend our sincerest appreciation for everything
you do for our daughters and the entire community. 
You lead Shulamith with the utmost care, warmth, and strength. 
Your vision and guidance makes Shulamith a preeminent institution
for Torah and secular education at the primary and secondary level. 
And a huge thank you to the outrageously fabulous teachers,
administrators, staff, and SWO volunteers who are too numerous to name. 
You are the unsung heroes of Shulamith. 
Your dedication, commitment, and tireless efforts to our school are inspirational.  We are so lucky to have you involved in the education of our children. 
Tova and Duvi Kupfer
And Rachelli, Ayala, Naava, and Yair
$600 Full Page
Thank you to the fabulous Shulamith office staff,
Your efforts are so vital to the success of our school.
Tova and Duvi Kupfer 

Our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Jeffrey Drucker and his staff,
Your efforts keep the doors open and the lights on. 

We appreciate everything you do.
Tova and Duvi Kupfer
$600 Full Page
Congratulations and best wishes to our children
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
on this wonderful honor.
May Hashem continue to help them do chesed.
We also want to give Hakoras HaTov to the administration and staff of Shulamith School for Girls for their dedication to all of their students including
our granddaughters, Rachelli, Ayala and Naava.
Aaron and Kathy Kupfer
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
on this much deserved honor. 
We are happy to be able to share
in this occasion together.
Wishing you continued Mazel and Bracha. 
Shlomo and Miriam Kupfer
$600 Full Page
To the Shulamith Board of Directors
Thank you for your hard work and commitment to Shulamith.
You serve as advisers, decision makers, problem solvers,
and advocates of Shulamith and the school benefits every day
from the dedicated energies and time devoted by you.
Thank you for all that you do.

Tova and Duvi Kupfer
Our deepest appreciation to this year's Dinner Co-Chairs 
Elie Singer and Adam Eisenberg
and all of those involved in making the dinner a success, including
Malka Fishman, Leah Bachon, Chani Moskowitz
and the Dinner Committee.
Thank you for the endless hours and tremendous efforts
that have gone into this exceptional evening.
We truly appreciate all that you have done.
Tova and Duvi Kupfer
Tova and Duvi Kupfer
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
upon this honor.
May you continue your wonderful work
on behalf of Klal Yisroel
and see much nachas
from your darling children.
Yehuda and Dassy Kupfer
$600 Full Page
Mommy and Tatty,
I am so excited about the dinner!
I am so happy that you are getting honored! I love you!
I love Mommy and Tatty.
You are the best.
You deserve to get honored for all the things you do for me.
You're the best parents in the world.
You're first on my list. You help me when I need, but you don't only
help me and my sisters but you help the school.
Mommy and Tatty, I love you so much.
Love, Rachelli
Dear Mommy and Tatty,
Mazal Tov to the best parents in the world!
Love, Naava
$600 Full Page

We would like to express our deep appreciation
and HaKarat HaTov to all the honorees
for their hard work and dedication to
our daughters at Shulamith School for Girls.

May Hashem continue helping them
with their work for our girls
and our community for many years to come.
Dovid and Alisa Lasky
$600 Full Page
Mazel Tov to
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
on a well deserved honor!
Hashem should grant you the strength and wisdom
to continue to benefit the tzibur
and enjoy nachas from your beautiful family
Aryeh Lebowitz
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to
Duvi and Tova
Two special friends whose commitment
and dedication to Shulamith
are evident in all that you do
and all that you are.
Chezky and Gitti Levovitz
and Family
$600 Full Page
A great big Mazal Tov
to our very special friends
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
May 'ה shower you with
much Bracha and Hatzlacha
Yaakov and Simi Lonner
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to
Tova and Duvi Kupfer
on your well deserved honor
Mayer and Fraidy Maltz
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Mayer and Fraidy Maltz
$600 Full Page
We pay tribute to all the wonderful honorees
on these well deserved honors.
A special Mazal Tov to Mrs. Ariela Fine
for this wonderful recognition.
May you continue to be an inspiration
to the entire Shulamith community.
Dahlia and Elie Mansdorf
$600 Full Page
Duvi and Tova,
and all other honorees,
Mazel Tov on
this well deserved occasion!
We are so proud of you!
Esti and Moshe Mase
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors.
Thank you to all the dedicated Shulamith staff
for what you do for our daughters on a daily basis.
Chaya and Shlomo Maza
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to
Josh and Arielle
on this wonderful honor
Working with you is a real experience!
Sarah Mendlowitz
$600 Full Page
Mazel Tov to all the honorees.
Mazel Tov to
Shragi and Ahava Feldman
on their well deserved honor. 
You are truly befitting of this award
for your dedicated service to our school.
Mazel Tov to
Morah Ariela Fine
on your award.
You are an asset to our children's education.
Sara and Adam Miller
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to all the honorees.
Shana has loved Early Childhood
and she is very excited to enter
the "big school". 
Thank you all for making
her Shulamith experience so wonderful!
Steven and Abby Miller
$600 Full Page
"And all who are involved faithfully in the needs
of the community - may the Holy One, Blessed is He,
pay their reward ... and send blessing and success
to all their handiwork..."
Mazel Tov to Duvi & Tova Kupfer
on this well deserved award.
Scott J. Farrell, Esq.
Jeffrey H. Miller, Esq.
Miller Law Offices, PLLC
141 Washington Avenue, Suite 101
Lawrence, N.Y. 11559
(516) 248-6755
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Shahram and Doris Nakhaimousa
$600 Full Page
Dear Josh and Arielle
This honor is well deserved to such a special couple. Your efforts reflect through and through, and your dedication to our communities does not go unnoticed!
May you continue to be
the exceptional role models that you are.
Mazal Tov
Rachel and Shuie Ostroy
$600 Full Page
To our dear friends
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
We can not think of a more deserving
and worthy couple for this great honor.
We are so proud of you both and know
that you will continue to make great contributions
to our schools and community.
With love and admiration, 
Gabi and Lana Pinchasov
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Eric and Sara Pollak
$600 Full Page
Dear Morah Ariela,
We are so proud of you!
You have given students your love
and respect and care for over 15 years.
You have inspired hundreds of students
to love Torah and act like a mentsch.
You are a great role model and a wonderful friend.
We love you!
Ilana and Azriel
$600 Full Page
In honor of
Ahava and Shragi Feldman.
Yasher Kochachem for your involvement
in this and so many other worthy causes.
Your efforts to bring this and future generations
of Klal Yisrael to their full potential
make us proud to be your family and your friends. 
May Hashem Yisborach reward you and yours
with all His abundant treasures.
Much Love,
Peri and Debby, Yechida and Moishe,
Mindy and Dovi, Dina and Elie
$600 Full Page

Dear Josh and Arielle Spiegel,

Congratulations on this honor. It's truly well deserved.
May you both continue to contribute, inspire,
and encourage, ad meyah v'isrim. 

Naftali and Rivki Reichmann
$600 Full Page
Josh and Arielle
With much admiration and best wishes
for all your endeavors
Congratulations to
all the deserving honorees
Andre and Michael Reichmann
and our entire team
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to Duvi & Tova, Josh & Arielle
and Morah Ariela on your well deserved honors.
A special thank you to Morah Estee, Mrs. Yarmak,
Mrs. Billet, Dr. Gross and Mrs. Zerykier for creating a beautiful
and nurturing learning environment for our children.
With much Hakarat Hatov to the wonderful faculty at Shulamith
for your unparalleled devotion and dedication.
To our dear friends Shragi and Ahava:
We could not think of a more deserving couple for this honor.
Your devotion to Shulamith as well as to Klal Yisroel is truly remarkable.
May Hashem continue to give you the strength
to do all the wonderful work that you do.
You are an inspiration to us all!
Deborah and Ari Rockoff
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov
Josh & Arielle Spiegel
and all of the honorees on your well-deserved honors!
A special thank you to
Morah Estee, Morah Devorah,
Morah Deborah and the rest of the moros
who provide endless warmth and care to our daughter Dassi.
Thank you for the wonderful Chinuch and Middos
that you instill daily in our daughter and in all your students.
We are forever grateful for the smiles and joy that we see in Dassi as she talks about her days in Pre-1A at Shulamith.
Netanel and Shana Rosenberg
$600 Full Page
Mazel Tov to
on your well deserved honor.
Your commitment and dedication
to teaching is truly exemplary.
May you zoche to continue in your holy work
for many years to come.
With love and admiration
Terrel and Lizzy Ross
$600 Full Page
With Hakaras Hatov to Joyce Yarmak who is doing a fabulous job at the helm of Shulamith.
Congratulations to all the deserving honorees.
A special thanks to the wonderful teachers of our granddaughters' Caylie Hersh, Evie Hersh & Aliza Rubel. You are doing such a great job.
We know they're in the best care.
Hedy and Steven Rubel
$600 Full Page
Thank you
to all the teachers and staff of
Shulamith School for Girls
who teach my granddaughters
Sarah Julia Singer 
and Annie Macy Singer so well.
Toby Schaffer
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
May you be zoche to continue your
wonderful work on behalf of our school

It has been an honor working alongside
you for all these years. Your warmth, enthusiasm
and commitment to teach Torah and 
Middot Tovot contribute so much
to the chinuch of our girls at Shulamith
Dani and Chana Schwartz
$600 Full Page
In honor of
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor!
Thank you, Tova, for all your help.
You are the BEST home care nurse!
Susan Shafer
$600 Full Page
Although chosen as Shulamith's "Parents of the Year", we should note,
it's reflective of a decade of love and devotion for "chinuch banot".
When Chavi started Pre-1A, she was too young to ride the bus,
They drove her daily~ no question~ attending school was a must!
With fresh energy and drive and hearts made of gold,
The Feldmans soon made their mark ~ with chesed untold!
Helping others through hard times, with discretion and class,
Tirelessly hosting prospective members, they undertake any task!
Supporting their children with their time and many talents,
they model the ability to achieve a treasured "life balance"!
Whether to chaperone, carpool, cheer, or console, the Feldmans are there,
their loyalty never wavers, their pride beyond compare!
As Chavi now graduates, it is clear to see why it was Shulamith that they chose,
The middot, the love, the education..... she has blossomed, and their nachas grows!
The years have flown by so quickly, we are truly amazed,
little sisters and cousins are now on the path that they've blazed!
Ahava and Shragi, May you continue to be blessed with health, parnassa, laughter, & love,
Nachas and simcha from your special children, and mazel from The One Up Above!
We are totally not surprised, and extremely proud,
Mazel Tov on this honor~ it's great to say it out loud!
Bubbie Lee, Mom and Dad, and Your Loving Family
$600 Full Page
To our dear siblings, Ahava and Shragi Feldman
Congratulations on being chosen as this year's Parents of the Year, 
a title you have earned through years of dedication to Torah education.
We admire and respect your commitment to ensuring the success of Shulamith School for Girls and your steady involvement in community organizations. We wish you continued success in all of your endeavors
and that Chavi, Shmuli, Batsheva and Ayelet should continue to learn by your stellar example of the importance of Avodah and Chesed.
May Hashem continue to grant you the strength to persevere, the
ability to achieve and the will to share your success with the community.
We are truly blessed to call you family and we are proud
of your incredible accomplishments. 
Mazal Tov! 
Joey, Shira, Sruli and Ettie Sharp 
Chaim, Penina, Batya and Bracha Taub
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to our dear children
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
on this wonderful honor.
You are truly deserving as you are both
kind, caring, and humble. 
We are very proud of you.
Hashem should bless you with everything good.
You should continue to be able to help others
and have nachas from your beautiful family.
All our love,
Tatty & Mommy Soloff
$600 Full Page
In honor of our dear Brother and Sister,
Tova and Duvi
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.
We are so proud of you.
Bracha & AY
Chana & Simcha,
Nechama & Nachy,
Simi & Sruly
and Shana
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to
"Parents of the Year"
Ahava and Shragi Feldman!

The fact that each one of your children is such a gem, B"H,
is a reflection of how befitting it is for you to receive this award. Shulamith School for Girls is fortunate to have caring, dedicated, and capable parents
like yourselves as part of its parent body.
May Hashem bless you and your family with good health
to continue the important work you do
on behalf of your childrens' schools and your community! 

Channie & Dr. Michael Sosnay & family
$600 Full Page
A Salute To Excellence To Our Dear Children
Yehoshua "Josh" & Arielle
Mazel Tov On A Well-Deserved Honor.

Just like Shulamith School whose dedication and focus on instilling a high education with a love for Torah and Eretz Yisrael, so to your dedication, energy, enthusiasm and creative talents blended together, inspire and bring beauty
and joy to your community and all of us.
Your name is a true "reflection" of what every Jew should strive to be in action and deed - an "image" of Hashem and His middot.
May the Borei Olam bless you both to go from strength to strength with good health to set examples for your beautiful children
Adina 'תחי, Kayla 'תחי, Sophia 'תחי, Judah 'נ״י 
and Klal Yisrael.
We love you, אבא & אמא
$600 Full Page
To My Dear Arielle,
There are so many things that one can say to their partner that will simply
describe a bigger version of a "Thank You", but there are not so many things
that truly pinpoint the reason they are being thanked.
You are a generous, loving, caring and tremendous person. You exude comfort and warmth
in everything you do, you create an atmosphere that isn't just organized and tidy
but one that makes the people around you feel embraced and welcomed.
You are always present to your friends and the first to jump on an opportunity
to help the community or anything that may need it regardless of what's going on
in your life. To me, you have been the ultimate partner, but mostly the perfect best friend.
We started this as kids and have pushed each other to grow into
what seemingly matters to get you honored at an event LOL. 
Your children and our home are everything to you, you treat all of us
as if we are your career and not just a job. You are passionate when it comes to
the smallest detail of your children's lives and won't overlook anything for the sake
of saving yourself a minute. Selflessness is your real name and it doesn't go unnoticed! 
Arielle, You deserve the recognition and the attention (which you stay so far away from)
and though I am confident you will be annoyed by this, I couldn't miss
this opportunity in my own small way to say "Thank you"!
$600 Full Page
Dear Mommy and Daddy,
Mazal tov on being honored as Community Leaders.
You both deserve this.
Adina and I and Sophia and Judah are all so proud of you.
Thank you for sending me to Shulamith School.
I love my teachers from last year, Mrs. Greenfield
and Morah Rayna and Morah Holzman. 
And this year I love Morah Gila and Morah Malki and
Morah Naomi and Morah Breindy.
They make school so much fun.
I have so many friends.
I love learning Chumash and having Mystery Guests come
to our room and do amazing things.
I come to school every day with a smile.
Mazal Tov again- I'm so proud of you and I love you both! 
Enjoy the dinner
Kayla Spiegel
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to the honorees!
The Stahl Family
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to all the honorees on
your well deserved honors
Ari and Atara Stawis
$600 Full Page
To our dear friends, Duvi and Tova Kupfer
Congratulations on this most deserving honor!
May you continue to be an inspiration
for the entire community.
Mazal Tov!
Joe and Miri Stern
$600 Full Page
Because of the incredible creative energy of Josh
and the loving support of his loving Arielle.
So proud of you guys!
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Shoshana and Aaron Twersky
$600 Full Page
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty and lay leadership
Ari and Alyson Walfish
$600 Full Page
Mazel Tov to our dear niece
Ariela Fine
You are a wonderful daughter, wife, mother and teacher. We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. May you continue your dedicated and amazing work
on behalf of educating our youth, AMUSH!
With much love and admiration,
Aunt Barbara, Uncle Alan and family
$600 Full Page
to all the honorees
Naomi and Jake Weintraub
$600 Full Page
Congratulations to our friends
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
Josh and Arielle Spiegel
on your most deserving honors
Dovie and Sari Weisz
$600 Full Page
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty
and lay leadership
Zvi and Zuta Wilamowsky
$600 Full Page
In honor of the Shulamith
administration, faculty, and staff.
Special thank you to Esti's wonderful teachers.
Thank you for all you do!
Yashar koach to all the honorees!
Stephen and Yonina Wind
$600 Full Page
In honor of our wonderful daughter, Rina.
We are very proud of you
as you graduate from Shulamith.
You have learned and accomplished so much!
We wish you good mazel, bracha,
and much hatzlacha in all that you do.
With much love,
Shira and David Wiseman
$600 Full Page
We would like to express our gratitude to
the wonderful teachers who give so much to our girls,
Hadar, Yael and Margalit.
Their care, attention, focus and devotion
is exemplary and much appreciated.
Deena and Gershon Yarmush
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov on this most well deserved accomplishment.

Your devotion and dedication to your students is inspiring.
As an incredible teacher and Morah,
you instill a love of Yiddishkeit and thirst for learning
that your students will carry with them forever.

May you continue to inspire have nachas and joy
from all your students and from your husband
Jeremy and children,
Eleora, Michal, Shmuel, Yitzi and Asher.

We love you and we are so proud of you.

Davida & Marc Yehaskel
Shlomo, Leah, Shmuel, Charlotte & Nina

$600 Full Page
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov and best wishes to 
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
and congratulations to
Morah Ariela Fine
on this most deserved honor!
May you all continue to be a source of nachas
and inspiration to the school and the entire community.
Daniella and Joseph Zelefsky
$600 Full Page
Mazal Tov to the deserving honorees!
With thanks to
the dedicated administration and faculty
Yechiel and Aliza Zucker and family
$360 Half Page
Mazal Tov to
Arielle and Josh
on this wonderful honor.
To a couple that personifies the meaning of
involvement and commitment to the community.
Zahava Baum
$360 Half Page
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Ingrid and Sam Davies
$360 Half Page
In honor of
Mrs. Joyce Yarmak
Yasher Koach!
Abbe and Debbie Dienstag
and Family
$360 Half Page
Mazel Tov to
Ariela Fine
on this well deserved honor!

We couldn't think of anyone more deserving to be "Teacher of the Year". 

You are an amazing role model
in the classroom and out. 
We are so lucky to be able to call you family. 
We love you!
Aryeh and Malkie Friedman
$360 Half Page
In honor of a most deserving couple
Josh and Arielle Spiegel
Your devotion to your family is unparalleled, your dedication to the Yeshiva is extraordinary, your Chesed to one and all is legendary.
Yet what sets you apart is how this is all done in the
most humble and unassuming manner.
May HKB"H give you both the strength to continue all your worthy endeavors, and may you be showered with all of Hashem's blessings.
Mazal Tov,
David and Beracha Gast
$360 Half Page
To Our Dear Cousin
Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor!
You are a force in our family,
in your community and in your school.
May Hashem give you the strength
to continue all the wonderful work that you do,
for many years to come!
Alana, Adam, Jenny, Josh, Alexa,
Sammy, Melissa, Jason and Rachel Gelnick
$360 Half Page
In honor of
Josh and Arielle Spiegel
Baruch Glaubach
$360 Half Page
"Friends are flowers in the garden of life"
-Mary Engelbreit
Josh and Arielle
Mazel Tov on a well-deserved honor
for all that you do for your girls and the school
Chani and Jeremy Goldfeder
$360 Half Page
In honor of our granddaughter
Shayna Baumohl
Luna and Claude Hakim
$360 Half Page
Mazal Tov to
Shragi and Ahava Feldman
on this well deserved honor.
We wish you continued hatzlacha
as you go M'Chayil El Chayil.
Mrs. Chaya Hirshman
Yosef and Feigie Radner
Noach and Kailah Hirshman
Pinchas and Tamar Hirshman
$360 Half Page
In honor and recognition of the
Board of Shulamith
Lori and Shalom Huberfeld
$360 Half Page
Mazel Tov to all the honorees.
We particularly wish to salute
Parents of the Year
Ahava and Shragi Feldman.
You are role models for all of us.
You selflessly give of yourselves to your family,
Shulamith School for Girls and Klal Yisroel
in such an unassuming and humble manner.
May Hashem grant you good health for many years to give and get nachas from your family and continue your good work.
Malkie and Abe Levine
$360 Half Page
Mazel Tov to the most deserving couple
Arielle and Josh Spiegel.
May you continue to make a lasting impact
on every community you are part of.
Shmuel and Julia Makowsky
$360 Half Page
Dear Josh and Arielle,
It is an honor to know you
and a treasure to be your friends.
It is amazing how you incorporate chessed
into your everyday lives in such a beautiful way.
All our love, 
David and Bilhah Moradi
and Family
$360 Half Page
To our dear friend
Ariela Fine
Your dedication to your family, friends
and community knows no bounds.
Hashem should grant you
many more opportunities
to continue to serve the klal.
Yossi and Jessica Reich
$360 Half Page
Mazel Tov
to our dear cousin
on a very well deserved honor 
We are so proud of everything that you have achieved and continue to accomplish each day!
Your students and family are so blessed
to have you in their lives!
Aliza & Elky
Jana & Daniel
$360 Half Page
Mazel tov to our dear friends
Ahava & Shragi Feldman
on this very special honor.
We are inspired by your dedication, thoughtfulness,
and hard work on behalf of the Klal
and we feel lucky to be counted among your friends.
Wishing you both strength to continue
in all your endeavors and continued nachas
from your beautiful family.
With love and admiration,
Tara, Ilan, Tali, Bayla,
Dovid & Zev Schimmel
$360 Half Page
In honor of
Josh and Arielle
We are not surprised that you are being honored,
just surprised it didn't happen sooner! 
Can't think of a more deserving couple!
Uncle Mendy, Tanta Sherry
& Yehuda
$360 Half Page
Mazal Tov to
on this recognition
of her devotion to her students!
Rick Baran
Stratus Building Solutions
$360 Half Page
In honor of a great couple 
Josh and Arielle 
All the best,
$360 Half Page
Mazal Tov to my wonderful niece
Passionate, determined, innovative,
and inspirational in teaching and in life
Aunt Ellen
$360 Half Page
Ariela, Mazel Tov on this fabulous recognition!
Over the past decade, Shulamith has been the lucky recipient
of your dedication, commitment, and energy.
Your efforts know no bounds and your work on
behalf of the entire community inspires everyone around you.
May you continue to be a source of strength to your family and to your students. We are honored to call you our "bestie" and we are very excited to share this special night with you and your family.
May you B"H go from strength to strength.
All of our love,
Jess, Suri, and Beth
$360 Half Page
Kol Hakavod to
Josh and Arielle
for all the great work
that they do for our community.
Deb and Mendy Tepler
$360 Half Page
To the recipients of the Community Service Award
Josh and Arielle Spiegel
Mazel Tov on this prestigious and well deserved honor. Your selfless dedication and commitment to the cmmunity is greatly appreciated. May you and your family be zocheh to a lifetime of nachas, gezunt, and parnasah and may Hashem enable you to continue providing chesed to Klal Yisroel. 
Duvie and Naomi Tepler
$360 Half Page
Our very best wishes to our dear friends
Tova and Duvi Kupfer
on this most deserving honor.
We admire and respect your dedication to both Shulamith and to our community.
Wishing you continued success in all of your endeavors.
The Bollag, Konigsberg, Langer, Rose, Sider, Stern and Winkler Families
$360 Half Page
In honor of
Ariela Fine
An amazing teacher
and the best friend someone could have.
With love always,
$360 Half Page
Mazal Tov to
Ariela Fine
You are a true asset
to our school and community
Valerie and Bert Weischelbaum
In loving memory of Louis Weisman
Valerie and Bert Weischelbaum
$360 Half Page
Mazal Tov to
Ariela Fine
Naomi and Steven Wolinsky
$360 Half Page
To the SHS students
You are intelligent, brave, thoughtful,
strong, Torah True, kind and fun.
Your commitment to growth never ceases to amaze us.
Always Know: You are our future. You are our legacy.
Rabbi and Mrs. Eitan and Rina Zerykier
$180 Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to our dear friend and colleague
Morah Ariela
It's a pleasure to work with you!
We appreciate your insights
and your generosity in sharing your materials. 
Your dedication to your students and willingness
to collaborate for their benefit make you a superior educator. 
You are beloved by the teachers
and students alike! 
עלי והצליחי בכל מעשי ידייך

Adina Broder, Chani Pollak,
Yaffa Schreier, Amy Small
$180 Quarter Page
We express our profound appreciation
to the administration and faculty
for educating, guiding, and serving
as role models for Adina.
Chany and Shlomo Adelman
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In honor of our granddaughters
Miriam and Lana
Grandma and Popa
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In honor of my granddaughter
We are very proud of her
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of
Avigayil and Ariella Casden
Poppy and Bubby
$180 Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
on this recognition
of her devotion to her students!
Sara, Judah, Becky & Rob
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In honor of Shoshie Dubin
$180 Quarter Page
Congratulations to our most creative
and organized friends
Arielle and Josh Spiegel
on this well deserved honor.
Your talents and hand of friendship continue
to amaze us on a daily basis! 
Elisheva and Neal Feit
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Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved honors
Kalman and Debbie Fogel
$180 Quarter Page
Mazal Tov
Duvi and Tova
on this well deserved honor
Frogel & Sussman
$180 Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to
Ariela Fine
We are so proud to have watched you develop
into a wonderful wife, friend, businesswoman
and accomplished teacher. 
With Love, 
Claire and Larry Gabe
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Best Wishes to
Josh and Arielle Spiegel
Joshua and Tova Gelb
$180 Quarter Page
The love of our life, the sunshine of our hearts!
Congratulations Maya!
Del and Paula Goldberg
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In honor of my granddaughters
Rella and Tzirel
$180 Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Ariela Fine
Tova and Duvi Kufper
on their well deserved honors! 
Your commitment and dedication to Shulamith is remarkable and an example for all to follow.
May you continue to be an inspiration
to the entire community! 
Melissa and Jason Goldstoff
$180 Quarter Page
Congratulations & Best Wishes to
Josh & Arielle
May you continue doing
such wonderful things
for Shulamith & K'lal Yisroel!
Brian Golomb
$180 Quarter Page
Baylie, Esther, Suri and Goldie
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of our granddaughters,
Tammy and Eliana
Grandma and Grandpa
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of a special couple
Josh and Arielle
on this well deserved honor
From your admirers and colleagues
Shmuli and Shaindy Grunwald
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In honor of our granddaughter
Puppy and Omi
$180 Quarter Page
Nechama, Yocheved
and Atara Jacobowitz
Safta and Saba Jacobowitz
$180 Quarter Page
In honorable tribute
to an honorable couple
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
Goldy and Moshe Kahn
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of
Ariella and Shiri Katz
Saba and Safta Katz
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of our granddaughters
Shoshana, Eliana, Leora, Chana Mina and Elkie
Grammy and Poppa
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of Liana and Yakira Kollander
Bobby and Pop Pop
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of
Yoella and Sonia Lazar
Bubbi and Zeidi
$180 Quarter Page
To our dear friends Josh and Arielle.
Congratulations on this well deserved honor.
May you see much success and happiness
from your family!
Shmuel and Elisheva Lefkowitz
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of
Ariela Fine
Wishing you continued strength
to keep influencing the future
of Klal Yisrael
Rob and Esty and Sara Levinson
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of The Spiegels
We've personally seen your devotion and dedication
to Shulamith and are truly inspired.
May you continue to be a source of inspiration
to your family and may Hashem give you the strength
and courage to continue your mission of chesed.
Oved and Michelle Lib & Family
$180 Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to
Josh and Arielle Spiegel
on this well deserved honor
Karen and Eddie Lifshitz
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of our granddaughters
Baila and Sora
Zaidy and Savta
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of Evie
Love Grandma and Popa
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of our granddaughters
Meira, Ahuva, Michal and Ilana
Bubby and Zaidy
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of Eliana Honikman
Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Z. Newman
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of Ella and Noa Hirth
Bubby and Zaidy Notterman
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of our granddaughter Lili Paritzky
Bobbie Yitti and Zaidey Mikee
$180 Quarter Page
Wishing our dear neighbor
Ariela Fine
a heartfelt Mazal Tov
upon your well deserved honor.
May Hashem bless you with
Hatzlocha and much Nachas.
Ephraim and Galia Partush
$180 Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Tova & Duvi Kupfer
on this well deserved honor.
May you have bracha, hatzlacha
and mazal in all that you do.
May you continue to go from chayil to chayil.
Rachel and Shragi Portal
$180 Quarter Page
Mazel Tov
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
on this much deserved honor.
May you continue to use you amazing talents
for improving Klal Yisroel and only have
hatzlocha going forward. 
Mimi, Michoel and family
$180 Quarter Page
Mazel Tov
Josh and Arielle
on this well deserved honor
Drorit and Michael Ratzker
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of our granddaughter, Sari Gross
Bubby and Zaidy
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of our granddaughters,
Ariella and Gaby Meisner
Avi and Syril Salzman
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of our granddaughters
Fay and Bella
Zaidy and Mimi
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of Noa
Savta and Zaidy
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of our granddaughter
Ariella Malka Silverman
Grandma and Grandpa Silverman
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of my granddaughter
$180 Quarter Page
Kayla Winkler
Grandma and Poppa
$180 Quarter Page
In recognition of our good friends
Tova and Duvi Kupfer
for this well deserved honor
and with gratitude for all they do
on behalf of our community
Yakira and Jeremy Apfel
Meira and Shamshi Szlafrok
$180 Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to our friends and neighbors,
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
You shine in everything you do
and set a great example for the rest of us.
Best wishes,
Rochelle & Scott Taub
Jude & Zvi Gutman
$180 Quarter Page
Josh & Arielle Spiegel
May you always continue to be able to give
and support our community mosdos
and be rewarded with the brachot that are promised
to those who work for the tzarchei tzibbur b'emunah.
Steven and Ahuva Traube
$180 Quarter Page
Best Wishes to
Shulamith School for Girls
and its dedicated faculty and lay leadership
Barbara Unger
$180 Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Josh & Arielle Spiegel
upon this well deserved honor!!
Eli and Julie Verschleiser
$180 Quarter Page
Congratulations to
Ariela Fine
on a well deserved honor!
Helen and Jacob Weichholz
$180 Quarter Page
In honor of our granddaughters Naava and Ayelet
Naftoli and Frumi Willner
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In honor of
Hannah and Shira
Grandma and Zaidy
Debby and Mel Adler
Rabbi Yehoshua and Sarah Balkany
Barbara Breitstein
Irving Friedman
Hersh Leib and Sima Gefen
Chanie and Alan Greif
Chaim and Temi Hollander
David and Jessica Jacob
Moshe Klein
Jeffrey Misher
Devorah Profesorske
Rabbi Heshy and Chasida Reichman
Allison and Josh Richman
Devoiry Schiffer
Mark and Aileen Virag
Eli and Chani Weisfeld
Yitzchak and Breindy Widroff
Anna and Raphael Yadgarov
Shulamith School for Girls
The Shulamith Early Childhood
extends our best wishes to tonight's honorees:
Mr. & Mrs. Shragi and Ahava Feldman
Mr.  & Mrs. David and Tova Kupfer
Mr.  & Mrs. Josh and Arielle Spiegel
We wish you continued Hatzlacha in all your endeavors,
and may your children continue to learn by your example.
And to
Ariela Fine
A colleague, peer and friend,
Thank you for your commitment to the Shulamith faculty.
You've touched so many lives in our school and community.

Mrs. Estee Scher
Principal, Early Childhood
And the Shulamith EC Staff
a- EC to Honorees
Shulamith School for Girls
Shulamith School for Girls
On Behalf of
Mrs. Yarmak and the entire Lower Division Faculty
We would like to show our Hakarat Hatov
and express our joy of the chosen honorees
Shragi and Ahava Feldman
Ariela Fine
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
Josh and Arielle Spiegel

Each of your daughters is a tremendous asset to Shulamith;
thank you for your dedication
to helping Shulamith thrive and grow.
May your daughters continue to shine and exemplify the
wonderful teachings they receive at Shulamith School for Girls.

Mazal Tov on these much deserved honors!
Shulamith School Lower Division
Shulamith School for Girls
In recognition of the
Lower Division Faculty

I want to extend my hakarat hatov for the tremendous dedication and efforts you put in to the students each and every day.
You maintain a positive and warm environment;
infusing the school atmosphere with vibrancy,
a thirst to learn, and opportunities for growth.

The love the students have for school is due
to your hard work and special devotion.
Thank you for being exemplary role models for our students
and for continuing to create Shulamith pride.
The success of Shulamith is due to you.

Mrs. Yarmak
Shulamith School for Girls
We Salute
Duvi and Tova Kupfer - Guests of Honor
With thanks for your wonderful partnership, unfailing support,
sage advice andthe lovely nachat we share from your terrific daughters.
Josh and Arielle Spiegel - Community Service
With thanks for your creativity and energy, your love and support for Shulamith
and the delightful nachat we share from your wonderful daughters
Shragi and Ahava Feldman - Parents of the Year
With thanks for being role models of chessed, middot, hakarat hatov, achrayut
and the pursuit of excellence, and for sharing your amazing daughters with us.
Morah Ariela Fine - Teacher of the Year
With thanks for being an integral, valued part of our incredible Shulamith team,
for your erudition and amazing teaching skills, for caring for each student
as though she were your own, and for sharing your own lovely daughters with us.
Mrs. Rookie Billet and Dr. Evelyn Gross
& The Middle Division Faculty
Shulamith School for Girls
We salute our wonderful faculty
and the qualities that make them so special:
Giving so much to our students each and every day
Taking responsibility for their health and safety,
both mental and physical
Understanding different needs, talents and learning styles,
and addressing them all with finesse and wisdom
Sharing your deeply held values of Avodat Hashem, Emunah, Bitachon, Integrity, Zionut, Tzniut, Chessed, Ahavat Torah, Yirat Shamayim, support for Medinat Yisrael and commitment to family and community with our students and parent body
It is our pleasure and privilege to work with you and our
exceptional parent body to produce the next generation of Bnot Torah
and women leaders for Am Yisrael
With heartfelt Hakarat Hatov for our exceptional faculty,
Mrs. Rookie Billet and Dr. Evelyn Gross
f- R.B. & E.G. to faculty
Shulamith School for Girls
(''במקום שאין אנשים, השתדל להיות איש'' (פרקי אבות ב:ו
Shulamith High School for Girls
celebrates our honorees who have stepped up to the plate.
You are investing in our future mothers, leaders, and Avdei Hashem.
Duvi and Tova Kupfer
Guests of Honor
Josh and Ariella Spiegel
Young Leadership
Shragi and Ahava Feldman
Parents of the Year

Ariela Fine
Teacher of the Year
Shulamith School for Girls
(״חכמת אדם תאיר פניו״ (קהלת ח,א      
With great Hakarat Hatov to the dedicated and inspired
True educators and role models
Who lead and teach from head to heart.
It is your warmth, dedication, professionalism and commitment
to excellence that empowers our girls to become committed,
happy, engaged and inspired Torah-true lifelong learners.
It is an honor and a privilege to work with you,
Ms. Rina Zerykier

Shulamith School for Girls

Adam Eisenberg 
Adina Goldstein
Leora Mishaan  
Eli Singer 
Josh Spiegel

The dinner's success is your success.
It has been a privilege to work with you.

Malka Fishman
Shulamith School for Girls
To the Backbones of Shulamith

Jeffrey Drucker
Frank, Milton, Rosa, Jackie, Daisy

Without your hard work and dedication,
Shulamith would not run so smoothly each and every day
Deena Muller, Miriam Agular
Harriet Cohen, Tobi Bain

Thank you for all that you do so efficiently
and graciously on behalf your respective divisions 
Ricki Gaerman, Evie Hoffman, Chavie Knobel
Your expertise and professionalism has helped
mold Shulamith High School into a truly amazing place.
It is truly a pleasure to work alongside such dedicated individuals
and I look forward to working with you for many more years to come

Malka Fishman
Shulamith School for Girls
Chaya Shrem 
I am constantly impressed by your dedication
and hard work on behalf of Shulamith.
Your bring an expertise and professionalism
to your job that is unparalleled.
I look forward to working with you for
many more years to come.
Thank you for all you do.
Malka Fishman
Shulamith School for Girls
Leah Bachon and Chani Moskowitz

Words cannot express my sincere appreciation
for your hard work and dedication
to every detail of the 2018 Dinner campaign.

No job was too small or too large
and you helped make this year's dinner
the success that it is.

Thank you
Malka Fishman