Board and Committee
Board of Trustees
Cindy Worenklein, President
Richard Allen, Co-Vice President
Robert Marcus, Co-Vice President
Martin Blum, Treasurer
Timberly Whitfield, Secretary
Carole Daman
Corrin Daman
Jessica Gannon
Ira Herman
Oren Pulka
George Rudoy
Ilana Shemtov
Rochelle Sherman
Marsi Tokayer
Alan Wasserman
Dinner Committee
Richard Allen, Dinner Chair
Ivy & Martin Blum
Marcy Cohen
Jessica & Roni Gannon
Robin Gindin
Hagit Hope
Irina Petrova
Lara & Oren Pulka
Deborah Roth
Maya Rudoy
Ilana Shemtov
Marsi Tokayer
Timberly Whitfield & Robert Allen
Cindy Worenklein
*Alumni Committee In Formation
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