Family in Israel
As we face the difficult challenge of responding to the coronavirus (COVID-19), Emunah Toronto is making changes. Instead of our traditional Family in Israel Dinner this year we will be having a virtual event. Family in Israel is our largest fundraiser and the funds we raise are imperative to the sustenance of our projects in Israel. 
Child at risk
Emunah in Israel is always faced with challenges, but now the challenges are of a caliber that we have never seen before. Our children's homes MUST REMAIN OPEN, as the children have NOWHERE else to go. Additional supplies and provisions have been provided and extra therapists and counsellors have been hired to keep the children calm, safe, occupied and loved.
Most of the 10,000 children and families supported by Emunah on a daily basis are classified as "at risk". Many have experienced serious neglect, instability and abuse in their short lives, often at the hands of those who are supposed to love and nurture them, their own parents and families.
Boys from Neve Landy Children's Home
Statistics from around the world show that domestic violence and abuse is up during Covid-19. The “at risk” families Emunah supports are quarantined in less than ideal circumstances. Unfortunately, we are projecting an unprecedented increase in the demand for our services after quarantine bans are lifted.
We hope you can donate to our Virtual Family in Israel Dinner as we truly need and appreciate ALL donations. 
We ask that you please keep our children at EMUNAH homes in your heart and prayers.
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