Updates from EMUNAH Israel
Updates from Our Homes
Report from Director Yosefa Ackler:
Emunah Neve Landy is home to boys ages 6-18. The closing of all schools has created a dire situation here as the children are in the children’s home all day. 
We do our best to make this time pass peacefully but we have some very important goals:
·       Giving a sense of security and ensuring emotional well being
·       Running activities that creates a happy and lively atmosphere 
·       Making sure that there are no educational gaps by providing individual lessons tailored to each child.
The children already deal with emotional problems and fear is not unusual for them. With the covid-19 crisis there is no sense of security and these vulnerable boys and young men need structure for their emotional well being.
We do our best, the dedicated staff is attentive to the children's fears and tries as much as possible to calm them and to give them enjoyable experiences that will distract the children from the harsh reality. Most of the staff have their own children who are not in schools and yet they stay here every day, beyond the usual hours, with dedication, commitment and understanding that the children of the village need extra support.
In the last few days, daily teaching, tutoring and therapy has created a semblance of a routine. We have also offered activities like team karaoke, sports games and tournaments, screening movies. break-dancing, art, and music. The staff is doing everything possible to maintain a home filled with love and support, so the children will have some stability during this time of uncertainty.
All children who live in the home are still in the residence. The children have the same restrictions as all families do in Israel. While they do not need to keep 2 meters apart, the children must still avoid large groups. No one can eat in the dining room. (pictured above) but must eat in small groups. 
Achuzat Sarah in now operating 24/7, previously most residents attended local schools, went home for shabbat and unless there was an emergency, had standard therapy hours. The home has had to pay for extra staff, tutoring and therapists. We do not have the help of the student volunteers who helped with after school tutoring and activities as they have been told to return home.
Most of the children have regular therapy but the needs are much greater now as the children are more anxious and worried during these uncertain times. 
In addition, Achuzat Sarah has spent $6000US on 10 new computers to help facilitate online learning. Yair Solomon, the director, noted that even though this was not in the annual budget he felt he had no other choice as the children needed to be able to continue their education. In fact, he knows that to meet the children’s educational needs, he still needs an additional 10 computers.
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