Israel Cancer Research Fund
Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF) is dedicated to to supporting cutting edge cancer research in Israel. ICRF has funded over $70 million in more than 2,400 grants to outstanding cancer researchers at every major institution in Israel.
ICRF-funded scientists are consistently at the forefront with discoveries that have revolutionized cancer treatment. They have developed improved chemotherapies, advanced techniques in bone marrow transplantation, and enhanced the understanding of tumor suppressor genes. It is alongside the hard work of ICRF-funded scientists that cancer drugs such as Gleevac®, Doxil®, and Velcade® were developed and are being used to treat hundreds of thousands of cancer patients worldwide annually. ICRF changes the lives of cancer patients, survivors and their families.
When you give to ICRF, you help fund Israel's most promising cancer research.
  • 100% of an ICRF grant goes directly to fund the research of individual scientists. Funds are never redirected for other purposes or used for brick and mortar. 
  • ICRF is "institution-neutral" -- funding goes to scientists at all of Israel's top biomedical research centers.
  • ICRF awards are made by a rigorous grant review process, solely on the basis of scientific merit and the ability of the individual scientist to make a significant impact in their field, without regard to religion, ethnicity, or institution affiliation.
  • ICRF grants fund basic and clinical research that can have dramatic, global impact. Discoveries made by ICRF-funded scientists have led to major advances in the understanding and treatment of cancer.
Significant accomplishments by ICRF funded scientists include:
  • Awarded Israel's first two Nobel Prizes in the sciences (2004 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry, Prof. Avram Hershko and Prof. Aaron Ciechanover) for the discovery of the Ubiquitin System. This led to the discovery of the life-saving multiple myeloma drug Velcade®.
  • Demonstrated that the p53 gene acts as a tumor suppressor -- one of the hallmark discoveries in cancer in the 20th Century.
  • Identified the structure of the Philadelphia Chromosome, the first genetic linkage identified in leukemia, leading to the development of Gleevec®, one of the first targeted cancer therapies. Over 300,000 leukemia patients a year take Gleevec® to extend and enhance their lives.
  • Developed the cancer drug Doxil®, for ovarian, breast and AIDS-related cancers.
For more information on ICRF please visit us online at
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