Gold Page
L'dor v'dor: Easy to define, harder to achieve.
Continuity, responsibility and tradition.
Collective memory, shared purpose and transmitted values.
With great thanks to Elisha Wiesel
Abby Joseph Cohen and David M. Cohen
Gold Page
We congratulate
Dedee and Steve Lovell
 for their leadership, deep commitment
and affection for
The Jewish Theological Seminary.
Alison Newman & Alan Levine
Silver Page
Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach to
Dedee and Steve Lovell and their family
for your steadfast dedication to JTS
and for providing outstanding leadership
for the Jewish Community
of today and tomorrow.
Michelle and Marc Gary
Silver Page
Mom and Dad,
We love you.
Thank you for all that you do not only for your children
and grandchildren, but for JTS and the Jewish community. 

You inspire us each day to live up to your example
of love and support for your family,
the Jewish people, and the Jewish future. 
Mazal tov on this well-deserved recognition of your service.
Barry and Ellen, Wendy and Colin, Hope and Joshua

Silver Page
To Dedee & Steve Lovell,
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor!
Thank you for your dedication to JTS
and the Jewish community.
Carol Kekst & Family
Silver Page
Grandma and Grandpa, 
Mazal Tov!
Thanks for inspiring us to be the best people we can be.
Your kindness and compassion emanates throughout our lives.
We learn from your generosity, selflessness,
and your Jewish way of life. Our parents learn from you
and we learn from them and you.  
Shira, Jacob, Noah, Maya, Jonah,
Leah, Rebecca, Gabriel, Ezra
Bronze Page
To Dedee and Steve,
You honor us with your generosity
and dedication to JTS
Mimi and Barry Alperin
Bronze Page
Steve and DeDee,
Thank you for your loyalty
and dedication to JTS
for the last three decades.
Your dedication to the Seminary
is an inspiration to all of us
and to me personally.
Yale Asbell
Bronze Page

Dedee and Steve - 
You are models for all of us
of giving and living.

With our deepest gratitude and admiration, 
Alisa and Dan
Bronze Page
Dedee and Steve,
Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor
We are so grateful for your commitment
to JTS and the Jewish community
Jane and Ned Gladstein
Bronze Page
Congratulations to
Steve and Dedee Lovell
on this honor
Ruth & Steve Hendel
Bronze Page
Beatriz & Harold Jacobsohn
Bronze Page
Mazel Tov 
Dedee and Stephen!
With lots of love,
Rachel and Derek
Bronze Page
Congratulations to Dedee and Steve
whom for decades have kept the Jewish community engaged
and connected through their generous support
of many wonderful projects.
 One such project became the Lovell Haggadah
based on the artwork of Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz
and his interpretation of the Passover story.
May you both continue to bring joy through your kindness.

Diane and Howard Wohl
Copper Page
Ace Leveen and Arnie Eisen
Steve and Dedee Lovell, 
two of the kindest, most generous,
and most genuine people we know,
for their support and friendship.
Copper Page
Stephen and Dedee Lovell
(Aunt DeDee and Uncle Stephen to us)
Your generosity of heart is never ending
and includes all of us.
You are two of the most special people we know.
We admire all that you do for the Jewish community
and any community you are a part of. You are always
an inspiration and we feel so lucky to have you both as family.
Congratulations, we love you,
Lori, Glenn, Ben and Hannah
Copper Page
To Aunt Dedee and Uncle Stephen
We are very proud of you 
and send our love!
Julie, Michael, Hallie, Nora and Sam
Black and White Page
Mazal tov to Stephen and Dedee Lovell
on your honor and thank you
for your many good deeds done
for JTS and the Jewish world.
Also thanks for passing down these values
as we see the apple has not fallen far from the tree
with our good friends Barry and Ellen
and their wonderful children.
Danya & Marc Berman
Black and White Page
The Lovells
The Best
Kathy & Gene Bernstein
Black and White Page
With our best wishes to Honorees
on their well-deserved honor
Julie and Joel Greenblatt
Black and White Page
Proud supporter of the JTS Gala 
and Marshall Award Dinner
Black and White Page
Temple Beth Sholom of Roslyn 
could not be prouder of our past-president
and long time devoted members
Dedee & Stephen Lovell 
for this most prestigious award
and for their years of dedication to JTS
Their commitment to our shul
and our Conservative Movement
are a never ending source of joy
and certainly a cause for celebration
Rabbi Alan B. Lucas                                 Rebecca Altman
Senior Rabbi                                                 President
Black and White Page
Congratulations to Dedee & Stephen J. Lovell
In sweet memory of Ira & Dorothy Sollar
recipients of the Louis Marshall Award of 1973

Arnold R. Sollar                                     Elaine Sollar Eisen
Black and White Page
Mazal tov to our longtime Board members
Stephen and Dedee Lovell
on this well-deserved honor
from the Jewish Theological Seminary.
They and the Lovell Family are the epitome
of those  "שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה"
who serve the public faithfully.    
May they continue to serve
The Jewish Theological Seminary, The Schechter Institutes,
the State of Israel and the Jewish people until 120!
Saul Sanders, Chair
Prof. David Golinkin, President

Notable Mention
Graham-Pelton Consulting, Inc.
Robert & Roni Jossen
Rabbi Neil and Alisa Rubin Kurshan
Barbara & Frederic Newman
Melody & Harvey Alstodt and Sharon & Rubin Pikus
Arleen & Aaron Priest
Charles Raffa, Ridgeline Construction Associates LLC
Mary and Saul Sanders