Herman Fraint Memorial Award
for Jewish Day School
Teaching Excellence
Debi Grinberg considers herself very fortunate to have parents who believed in the importance of a Jewish education.  Born in Montreal, Canada, she attended Jewish preschool and elementary school where she studied in four languages – English, French, Hebrew, and Yiddish – and was taught to embrace her Jewish identity.  These are values that Debi holds dear to this day.
Debi received her Bachelor Degree in Art Education from Concordia University in Montreal.  In 1997, she moved to Philadelphia where she earned her Master’s Degree in Elementary Education at Beaver College (now Arcadia University).
After graduation, she and her husband, Ron Raducanu, moved to Virginia Beach for his residency program in podiatric medicine.  Never straying far from her roots and values, it was of utmost importance to Debi that she work at a Jewish school.  She interviewed at Hebrew Academy of Tidewater and spent nine wonderful years teaching kindergarten, first and third grades, and art there.  She subsequently taught kindergarten for two years at Beth Yeshurun Day School in Houston.
When the opportunity arose for Debi, Ron and their three extraordinary children, Sophie, Avery and Emilia, to move to Cherry Hill, she immediately researched schools in the area and instinctively knew that Kellman Brown Academy would be her new home. 
Since 2011, Debi has loved the warm, nurturing environment that KBA offers.  During her tenure at KBA, Debi has enriched the lives of our pre-school students on a daily basis.  Over the years, she has become good friends with the parents of KBA students, and has embraced the fun, talented, and loving teachers at KBA as her extended family.  She feels extremely fortunate to be a part of her students’ secular and Jewish journeys, and to watch them grow. 
After 20 years of teaching, Debi insists she still has the best job on the planet because she gets to spend her day among tiny humans with big ideas! 
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