Matthew Resnick
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Matthew Resnick grew up in Queens, NY (back when it was Kedmah) and was a member of the Hillcrest Chapter of USY.  While in USY he attended many functions but somehow never won an election.  He then went on to attend Queens College where he was active in Hillel (and still never won an election).  After graduation he attended library school (yes that is a thing) and eventually became a Founding Teacher at The Academy of American Studies in Long Island City.  He eventually took a job as a high school librarian at Great Neck North High School.  He is an active member at Hillcrest Jewish Center where he serves as a vice president and helped to found the Youth and Family group.  He is currently the co-chair of the METNY Youth Commission, which is an appointment his father held when he was in USY. In his spare time, he likes to read, do jigsaw puzzles, and attend concerts. Matthew wants to thank his family for their support, especially his wife, Heidi, for putting up with all the meetings and his children, Myles and Jonah for putting up with him being at the USY and Kadima activities. 
Schechter School of Long Island
Mazal Tov to Matt Resnick and all of the honorees!
Rabbi Dave Siegel
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well deserved recognition.
Susan and Lewis Bartell
Kol Ha'Kvod to Matt Resnick and all the Honorees for all their efforts and devotion to our children
Susan & Lewis Bartell and the Bartell Family
Helene and Howard Jacob
Robin, Jon, Sarah and Sammy Feldman
Iris Schachter
Anonymous Anonymous
Stepha and Scott Honig
The Schor Family
Congratulations to MATTHEW RESNICK and to all of this year’s worthy honorees. Your work and commitment to USY set shining examples for our youth and for our entire community. Thank you.
The Schor Family
Gila, Eddie and Abigail Ward
Steven Gorochow
Linda and Bruce Varon Varon
Congratulations and Mazel Tov
to all the honorees
on your well-deserved recognition.
Hillcrest Jewish Center
Mazal Tov Matt!
Yishar Koach for everything you do for METNY and for Hillcrest Jewish Center!
Rabbi Kogan, Cantor Fuchs, and your Friends at Hillcrest Jewish Center
Sandi Fein & Family
Ackerman, Benson, Graybow, Kohn, Reich, Zanco the Pool Crew
Jonathan, Ginger, Eliana, Sivana and Natalia Schulman
Congratulations, Matt! You truly deserve this honor!
Jeanne and Joel Einhorn
Evelyn, Beth, and Denise Hurvitz
Thank you to USY for eveything and congratulations to Matthew Resnick and Justin Rosen Smolen for their well deserved honors.
Heidi, Myles, Jonah & Sadie Pearl Resnick
Ruth Botwinik
Hillcrest Jewish Center
Hillcrest Jewish Center congratulates it's own Vice President Matthew Resnick on his receiving the Avodah Award!
Hillcrest Jewish Center Youth & Family
Raina, Jamey, Reuven, and Samara Kohn
In honor of Matt Resnick for his dedication and lifelong efforts serving our Jewish youth
Arlen and Jane Millman
Carri Bershod
Maxine Peresechensky & Alan Reid
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well deserved recognition.
Shlefstein Family
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well deserved recognition.
Lynn and Morris Lynn and Morris Almeleh
Hjc Men’s Club
A well deserved honor for our member Matt Resnick. You embody the dynamic leadership qualities necessary to provide a great future for any organization you are affiliated with.
Brad Kolodny
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well deserved recognition.
Sandy Feit
Robin and Mitchell Brill
Matt - Thank you for all of your hard work. It is a pleasure working with you. You have done great work as the METNY Regional Co-chair.
Rabbi Dave Levy
Mazal Tov to Matt Resnick on the Avodah Award. Thank you for all you do to support METNY USY. Congratulations to all the honorees on your well deserved recognition.
~Rabbis Rachel Ain & Dave Levy
Susan & Paul Diamond
Jonathan Darche
Sisterhooh Hillcrest Jc
Sisterhood of Hillcrest Jewish Center congratulates Matthew Resnick as the receipient of the Avodah Award. Matthew has always contributed his abilities, enthusiam, dedication and leadership to USY.
Ralph and Susan Straus
Resnick Family
Yasher Koach Matthew!
First as a teenager and now as Co-Chair of the METNY Youth Commission, your love of USY and unwavering commitment to its growth and success fills us with immense pride and admiration.
Much love,
Barbara, Marty, and Nili Resnick
Andria & Scott Cooper
The Day Camp Staff Hillcrest Jewish Center Day Camp
Rabbi David Wise
Mazal tov to H2I's Matt Resnick and to all the honorees!
Judy Krinitz and Rabbi David Wise
Hollis Hills Bayside Jewish Center
The Beerman Family
Mazal tov Matt Resnick! Thanks for all the wonderful work you do, from Hillcrest to METNY and beyond. Wishing you much nachas always! Love, the Beermans
Debbi, Drew & Jake Varano
Ofra Panzer
The METNY District Council sends congratulations
to all the honorees on your well deserved recognition.

Special Mazal Tov to Matt Resnick for his years
of dedication to our METNY USY teens.

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