Ad Guidelines - Families
The Marlboro Kickoff Classic celebrates it's 32nd anniversary this Year.  It is a wonderful community event and a long lasting tradition for the Marlboro Soccer program.  Proceeds from the Tournament, including the Ad Journal, get utilized to support the program including things like funding for training, tournaments, equipment, facilities improvements, coaches education, etc.
Families have a $175 contribution obligation per child.  Sibling discounts are available.  For 2 registered children, families will be responsible for $300.  For 3 or more registered children, families will be responsible for $350.  Families are encouraged to solicit ads and/or sponsorships from local merchants.  Sponsorships and merchant ads count towards the family obligation.  See the attached Ad Journal Form for details on options for ads and sponsorships, including pricing.
Families who are not interested in placing their own ad or selling advertising to local merchants, must still meet their individual contribution obligation and may do so by writing a check for at least their specified amount.
  • All ads will be on our club website for 10 months with hyperlinks to the company's own web site; they will be organized to make searching easy. All players, coaches and their families will visit our site and all the ads, not just for the long weekend but throughout the year.  Ads can be in the form of personal ads, wishing your child and his or her team luck or in business ad/sponsorship from your business, the company you work for or a business that you frequent. You can also go to local businesses and get ads from them.The more everyone brings in the more our players gain.We again have tournament and field sponsorships available.Also, for every $1,000 over the minimum required by a team,* a percentage will go back to your team.
  • We have implemented a new online ad journal complete with online registration and payment capbility which can be found on under the tournament section.  ALL ads and sponsorships must be registered online.  Ads will all be in color.(Dimensions are 1000px {width} by 670px {height} in jpg or pdf format).  You must pay for your ad/donation via credit card when registering online.  If other form of payment is needed, please contact Jon Rothman at [email protected].  After online registration of ad/sponsorship is complete, please fill out the Ad Journal form and return to your team manager to keep track of money brought in towards your team requirement.  The deadline for all ads is August 1, 2019.
* The minimum team requirement is equal to the sum of the family requirements for the players on the team roster.
Team Ads
  • Each team is responsible for a team ad which will cost $150 per team.
Field Banners
  • Field banners are produced by a local vendor and printed in landscape (horizontal) format only.
  • Banners are 6 feet wide x 3 feet high.
  • Please submit artwork in color and in high-resolution.
Field Sponsorships
  • Please submit artwork / logo in color and in high-resolution.
We look forward to a great weekend of soccer and being the hosts to such a great community event. On behalf of the MSA Board of Directors, we would like to thank you in advance for your help.
MSA Travel Directors
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