Temple Emanu-El Closter
Temple Emanu-El Closter
Dear Bonnie, Corey, Briana and Matthew:

Mazel tov on your well-deserved honor. And thank you for all you do for our community.

In your efforts to strengthen our community, you have planted a seed that has already begun to bloom and will bear fruit for generations. You are fulfilling the words of the Talmud, "Just as my ancestors planted for me, so I plant for my children." (Taanit 23a).

Mazel tov!
Rabbi Alex Freedman
Temple Emanu-El Closter
Temple Emanu-El Closter
Dear Friends,
Welcome to Temple Emanu-El's 90th Anniversary Gala Celebration "Live, love,
and laugh together". Mazal Tov to tonight's honorees:
Bonnie and Corey Notis- Founder's Award
Briana and Matthew Holden- Young Leadership Award

We thank you for your commitment, hard work, and generosity to our Temple Community. We admire and respect your dedication
to Temple Emanu-El and ensuring the success of our Temple, which benefits all our members.  May you continue to be a source of strength and inspiration to the Jewish Community.  Kol HaKavod!
They say it takes a village, and any village that lives, loves and laughs together describes our Temple Community. Tonight's Gala Celebration would not be possible without the hard work of many individuals. Thank you to the entire Gala Committee for making tonight a meaningful and memorable evening. A heartfelt thank you to our Temple Administrator Jeanine Corrubia, Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner, Rabbi Alex Freedman and Cantor Israel Singer for their tireless dedication and support.  Thank you as well to Auction Chairs Lisa Jesner and Erika Jacob, Journal Chair Marilyn Steinthal, and Décor Committee Felice Popper and Louann Reed.
Most importantly, thank you to our Temple Emanu-El family, our congregation for supporting honorees Bonnie, Corey, Briana and Matthew in addition to your generosity towards the journal and auction and our Temple in general. Your support this evening helps support many wonderful programs throughout the year. Thank you!
Laugh, love and enjoy your evening!
Gala Celebration Co-Chairs
Melissa and Noah Garden & Rachel and David Harris
Judi and Arnie Herrmann & Michele and Matthew Grabell
Temple Emanu-El Closter
Dear Bonnie and Corey and Briana and Matthew,
On behalf of the entire Temple Emanu-El community, I want to thank you for allowing us to honor you
at this year's Annual Celebration.
For ninety years, since 1928, Temple Emanu-el has grown and flourished because of dedicated leaders like you.  Tonight, we gather to "Live, Love and Laugh Together, " as we celebrate you and your contributions to our community.  Our spiritual home in Closter is the beautiful and sacred place that it is because of the design talent, creativity and tenacity of you and members of your family. We appreciate the time and effort you have committed to ensure the continued strength of this congregation,
knowing that it often means time away from your family. 
Your roots in the Jewish community are rock solid, and you have carried forth those values instilled in you by your parents to support and fortify our synagogue.  You personify the ideal of L'dor V'dor and your words, deeds and hard work are plotting the road map
for your children and their children to follow.
We are here to recognize your leadership and commitment tonight as well as give our financial support to Temple Emanu-el, as a tribute to all you have done and to set the foundation for the next ninety years.  Thank you for bringing us all together in celebration.  We are thrilled to Live, Love and Laugh with you and your families.  
May you continue to go from strength to strength.  Your Temple Emanu-el family is eternally grateful.
Josh and I wish you Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach.


Temple Emanu-El Closter
Mazel Tov to
Corey and Bonnie Notis
& Briana and Matthew Holden
on their well-deserved honors.
To all of our family, friends and community,
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
for this wonderful recognition.
We are happy to share this evening
with each and every one of you.
Kol HaKavod to
Briana and Matthew Holden.
With love and gratitude,
Bonnie and Corey Notis

Mazel-Tov Temple Emanu-El on 90 years!
We feel privileged to be
part of the community!
Elizabeth and Gaurav Seth
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Dear Bonnie, Corey,
Briana and Matthew,
Thank you for all that you have given,
give, and will continue to give
to our community. 
We are strong because of you.

With much admiration,
  Rabbi Alex, Laura, Avi
and Elie Freedman
Briana and Matthew,
We are so proud of you and your commitment to
Temple Emanu-El and the larger community.
May you go from strength to strength.
L'dor V'dor!
All our love,
Mom & Dad
Congratulations to Bonnie and Corey Notis!
To Briana and Matthew,
Thank you for all you do for the Jewish Community
and Temple Emanu-El.
May God shine upon you always.
With deep affection and love,
Dori and David
Eve and Elias Kirshner

To Bonnie and Corey,
Your devotion and dedication to your family, friends
and community is a model for our community
and us, personally. .
May you always go from strength to strength.
With deep affection and love,
Dori and David
Eve and Elias Kirshner

May your commitment to our community
be a shining example for all to follow.
Yasher Koach
Les Friedman and Martin Maged
Northern Valley Affairs
Mazal Tov to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
& Briana and Matthew Holden
on their honors.
Shirley Shapiro
Bonnie and Corey,
Your dedication to Jewish life
is an inspiration to our family.
We're so proud of you both!
With Love
Robin, Ben, Deborah
and David
Mazel Tov and Best Wishes to Bonnie and Corey Notis on your well-deserved honor as Founders' Award recipients. We hope to follow your wonderful example of commitment to our community.
Thank you to our clergy, family, friends, and fellow congregants for this incredible honor. We are humbled and have the deepest appreciation for this very meaningful recognition. A special thank you to all of those who have contributed to the planning and success of this terrific event. We are committed to continuing to validate your confidence in us as young leaders in this community. As today's "young" leaders, we hope to grow into tomorrow's "old" leaders at our temple, and that our children will follow the legacy created for them here at Temple Emanu-El.
L'Dor V'Dor
Briana and Matthew Holden
Congratulations to all of tonight's honorees!
Bonnie and Corey Notis
Briana and Matthew Holden
Thank you for everything youdo
for our community.
Jen Maxfield and Scott Ostfeld
Mazal Tov to
Bonnie and Corey
and Briana and Matthew.
Thank you for your exemplary leadership,
dedication and good cheer.
Susan and Robert Heidenberg
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Viviana and Robert Holzer
Mazal Tov to Bonnie and Corey
recipients of the Founder's Award.
Thank you for your exemplary leadership
and commitment.
Congratulations to Briana and Matthew,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
May you continue to set the standard high
for young leaders who strive to make a difference
in our community.
Elle and JoJo Rubach
Best wishes to our honorees
and to the next NINETY.
Trudy and Sy Sadinoff
Bonnie & Corey Briana & Matthew
Yasher Koach on recognition
for this well-deserved honor.
Thank you for your leadership, dedication
and commitment to our Temple and Community.
May we all continue to go
from strength to strength.
Kol Hakavod!
Robin and Steven Abramow & Family
Bonnie and Corey,
Thank you for all you do
for our community.
Mazel Tov!
The Dersovitz
and Suede Families
We are proud to congratulate
Briana and Matthew Holden
on their recipient of
the Young Leadership Award.
Lew and Bobbie Frankfort
Congratulations to
the Honorees, we celebrate with them
the pleasure of belonging
to Temple Emanu-El.
Eva Holzer
Congratulations to Temple Emanu-El
and this year's honorees.
Richard and Wendy
Hurst Levine
Jordan, Alexandra and Joshua
Mazel Tov!
Bonnie and Corey
What a wonderful way to acknowledge all that you have done
for the Jewish Community. You are very deserving
of this honor  and so much more....
We are privileged to call you our dear friends.
Best wishes & love,
Sheila, Leslie, Jared, Melissa Lustbader
Lauren & Eric Schwartz
The Men's Club of Temple Emanu-El 
would like to wish Mazal Tov
to our fellow congregants
on their well-deserved honors:
Bonnie and Corey Notis
Founders' Award
Briana and Matthew Holden
Young Leadership Award
Mazal Tov to Temple Emanu-El.
We pay tribute to
Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner,
Rabbi Alex Freedman,
Cantor Israel Singer
and to all those whose efforts
brought us to this wonderful day.
Rita Merendino,
Debra Rosen and Neil Mitnick
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Michele and Daniel Ross
We congratulate the honorees!
We salute all the leaders
who built this blessed
and thriving Congregation!
Debra Oremland and Arthur Sinensky
The Sisterhood of Temple Emanu-El extends
our love and gratitude to this year's honorees:

Bonnie and Corey Notis
Founders' Award
Briana and Matthew Holden
Young Leadership Award
We are all forever changed by your
devotion and leadership on behalf of our Temple Community.
May you continue to go from strength to strength.
Bonnie and Corey
With love,
The Sloan Family
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Fran, Josh, Arielle and Joanna Weingast
Mazal Tov to all the honorees.
Bonnie and Corey Notis
on receiving the Founders' Award
Briana and Matthew Holden
on receiving the Young Leadership Award.
We are grateful for your exemplary leadership
and service.
Susan and Daniel Zausner
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Gloria and Wilson Aboudi
Mazel Tov to our dear friends,
Bonnie and Corey Notis
and Briana and Matthew Holden
As we honor them and recognize their commitment
and dedication to our synagogue and community.
Happy 90th Anniversary to Temple Emanu-El!
Let's continue to live, love and laugh together.
Shari and Bram Alster
Jason, Katie, Elissa, Ross and Brandon
Mazal Tov!
90th Anniversary Temple Emanu-El.
We join in honoring
Bonnie and Corey Notis
Founders' Award
Briana and Matthew Holden
Young Leadership Award
Judy and Bob Cook
In recognition of
Bonnie and Corey Notis
recipients of the Founders' Award 
& Briana and Matthew Holden
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Lorin and Jon Cook
Mazal Tov
Bonnie and Corey!
Debbie and Gerry Davis
In recognition of
Bonnie and Corey Notis,
recipients of the Founders' Award
Briana and Matthew Holden,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Karen and Steve Farber
Mazal Tov to our Cousins
on an honor well deserved!
Cousins Edie, Bob, Justin,
Dana and Rachel
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Fuld Family
Mazal Tov to our sister / sister-in-law
and brother- in law
Briana & Matt
We love you and are Proud of all that you do!
Leslie, Jeremy and Josh
Mazel Tov
Bonnie and Corey Notis & Briana and Matthew Holden
for all of your achievements within this community.
Your contributions to the Jewish community
and your devotion to Temple Emanu-El
deserve our highest praise and recognition.
It is our greatest pleasure to honor you
at Temple Emanu-El's 90th Anniversary!
May we continue to live, love and laugh together...
The Grabell Family
Michele Matthew Allison
Justin and Ben
Mazal Tov to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
& Briana and Matthew Holden
on their well-deserved honors.
We are proud to be a part of this special night
on this 90th Anniversary celebration.
Wishing you all many happy years of life,
love and laughing together!
Judi and Arnie Herrmann
We take "walk to worship" seriously. 
See us and you'll have no excuse not to go to services.
Jeff Pavell, DO Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center, PA
Congratulations to
Bonnie and Corey
on the
well-deserved Founders' Award.
You are both stellar role models
for our community.
With Love,
Kathy and Richard Leventhal
Yasher Koach and Mazel Tov!
Bonnie and Corey Notis
on receiving the Founders' Award
and Briana and Matthew Holden
for the Young Leadership Award.
May you all continue to be a source of strength
and inspiration to the Jewish community.
The Meisel Family
Lisa Beth, Gregory, Benjamin and Jordan
to all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
The Messer Family
 Hal, Alicia, Lauren, and Sam
Yasher Koach to the Honorees.
To Our Dear Friends,
Bonnie and Corey Notis,
a well-deserved honor to a special couple
whoalways inspire us with their commitment
to family, community and Tikkun Olam.
Robin and Alan Miller
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Mindy & Howard Lavin
In honor of Temple Emanu-El 90th anniversary.
Congratulations to
Bonnie & Corey Notis
and Briana & Matthew Holden
on being honored.
We are fortunate to be a part of
a wonderful Jewish Community.
Caren and Gene Pillet
"A leader is one who knows the way,
goes the way and shows the way." - John C. Maxwell
Congratulations to our honorees,
Matt and Briana Holden
& Bonnie and Corey Notis
Kol Hakavod
Felice and Alan Popper
Mazal Tov to the honorees
and to Temple Emanu-El
on its 90th anniversary!
Heather & Adi Rabinowitz
Congratulations to our most deserving honorees.

We salute you and the entire Temple Emanu-El community.
Let's rejoice as we celebrate our 90th anniversary together.

Louann and Allan Reed
Mazal Tov to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
Briana and Matthew Holden
on their honors.
Robin and Steven Epstein and Family
Kol HaKavod
Bonnie & Corey Notis
Briana & Matthew Holden
Your dedication to our shul and community is inspiring
May you always go from strength to strength
Yasher Koach
Randy & Howard Breindel
Robin & Steven Rogers

Mazal Tov to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
on receiving the Founders' award
and to
Briana and Matthew Holden
on receiving the Young Leadership award.
Our community is lucky to have you!
Debbie and Hal Satnick
Mazel Tov to Briana and Matthew
for being fearless leaders & setting an example
for generations to come.
Congratulations Bonnie and Corey
on your well deserved honor. Your energy, enthusiasm,
dedication, loyalty and love have not only served
our Temple Community but everyone around you as well.
I am very lucky to call you my dear friends and hears
to loving and laughing together.
The Schindler Family
May we be blessed with the continue work of
your hands and heart.
Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
Briana and Matthew Holden
With much gratitude,
Aaron Billig, Christiina Buchert, Jeanine Corrubia, Naama Heymann, Chareen Kramer, Adam Schwartzbard, Julia Vazquez,
Tamara Ween
Congratulations to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
and Briana and Matthew Holden
on these well-deserved honors.
Thank you for your dedication
and commitment to Temple Emanu-el.
Mazel Tov!
Benay and Steven Taub
Mazal Tov to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
& Briana and Matthew Holden
on their honors.
Scott and Michelle Tesser
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
The Lash Family
"If your actions inspire others to dream
more, learn more, do more and become more,
you are a leader."John Quincy Adams
Bonnie and Corey
Matthew and Briana
Your devotion to our synagogue,
our community and the world around us
is an inspiration.
Thank you for all you do to help strengthen
and nurture Temple Emanu-El.
Donna and Evan Weintraub
Mazal Tov and Best Wishes to our Honorees
Bonnie and Corey Notis
and Briana and Matt Holden,
May you continue to be an inspiration
to the entire Temple Emanu-El community.
Andi, Kevin, Ben and Hannah Wolfer
Mazal Tov to Temple Emanu-El
on its 90th Celebration
honoring our strong community
of leaders and innovators.
Marie, Allen, Samantha, Matthew,
Ryder, Marisa and David
Wolpert Family
Congratulations to
Bonnie and Corey
on your well-deserved Founders' Award honor.
Mazal Tov to Temple Emanu-El
on your 90th birthday.
Melanie and Barry Zingler
Stephanie,Brooke and Jodi
Full Page
Mazal Tov to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
& Briana and Matthew Holden
on their well-deserved honors.
Dana and James Adler
Full Page
Full Page
Matt & Briana, you are quite the pair.
A passion for the Jewish community and Temple Emanu-El
you do both share. Your giving nature & friendship
can't be beat. Watching you receive this honor will surely
be a treat. Mazel Tov to all the honorees tonight! Can't wait
to celebrate on March 10th and do it up right!
All our love,
Shirley & Rob Altman          Lauren & Jordan Farkas
Valerie & Michael Kivowitz   Stephanie & Dan Cohn
Keri & Michael Friedman      Jenna & Sam Gutmann
Jillian & Adam Somberg       Rebecca & Adam Arnofsky
Robyn & Rick Paster           Erin & Ariel Lebowitz
Full Page
Atlantic Tomorrow's Office Solution
400 Broadacrest Drive, Ste 350
Bloomfield, NJ 07003
Atlantic Tomorrow's Office Solution
Full Page
Elliot J. Atlas, President & CEO  46-12, 70th Street

Woodside, New York 11377 
Main (718) 457-4900
NYC  (212) 707-8355
Atlas Floral Decorators, Inc.
Full Page
Full Page
Full Page
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Blue Rill Day Camp
Full Page
Mazal Tov to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
Briana and Matthew Holden
on their honors.
Tracey and Adam Collins
Full Page
Matthew Grabell
Employee Relations Solutions (ERS)
2 University Paza #507 Hackensack, NJ 07601
Employee Relations Solutions
Full Page
Our community is thriving at 90
Can't wait for 100!
Let's continue to enjoy
the ride together
Mazal Tov to our honorees.
Sharon and Kenny Fried
Full Page
Congratulations to Bonnie and Corey Notis
& Briana and Matthew Holden
on being chosen as this year's honorees.
We salute you all!
To our dear friends Briana and Matt,
We are delighted to have participated in the planning of your special night as you are honored at this annual celebration gala. We admire and respect you both and your dedication to ensuring the success of our temple. May Hashem continue to grant you the strength to persevere, the ability to achieve and the will to share your success with the community, and may you both continue to be a source of strength, inspiration and illumination to us as friends and to the entire Jewish Community.
Mazel Tov!
Melissa and Noah Garden and Family
Rachel and David Harris and Family
Full Page
Mazal Tov on 90 years!
Congratulations to the honorees!
Thank you to all the clergy and staff
who make this Shul so special!
We are proud to be a part of
the Temple Emanu-El family!
Kellie and Paul Gersh
Full Page
Congratulations to the outstanding 2018 Temple Honorees!
May your support of community and
your good deeds be for a blessing.
You are helping to repair the world...
Sandra Gold
Amelia Gold & Brian Benson
Dara Silver
Full Page
Dearest Brianna and Matt,
You make me the proudest grandmother
in the world!
I love you,
Full Page
Congratulations to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
on this well-deserved honor.
Ronnie and Edward Grossmann
Full Page

104 Westwood Avenue
Westwood, NJ 07675
Full Page
Full Page
Full Page
Full Page
JW Marriott Essex House New York
160 Central Park S
New York, NY 10019
JW Marriott Essex House New York
Full Page
Full Page
In recognition of
Bonnie and Corey Notis
recipients of the Founders' Award
& Briana and Matthew Holden
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Congratulations and Mazal Tov!
Randi and Michael Kollender
Full Page
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Ruth and Marty Kornheiser
Full Page
Full Page
Full Page
My Backyard Sports
Full Page

NAI James E Hanson
235 Moore Street
Hackensack, NJ 07601
NAI James E Hanso
Full Page
Full Page
Mazel Tov To the honorees
Bonnie and Corey Notis
Briana and Matthew Holden
for enriching our community through your giving and caring.
May you continue to be a source of strength
and inspiration.
Ruth and Bruce Pomerantz
Annette Stern and Sandy Chait
Full Page
In recognition of Temple Emanu-El's 90th Year
and celebrating this year's honorees.
Louann Reed & Nancy Cohen 
200 West 57th Street, Suite 307 
New York City
Reed Cohen Papers & Events
Full Page

Renaissance New York Times Square Hotel
714 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10036
Renaissance NY Times Square Hotel
Full Page
Mazel Tov
Corey and Bonnie Notis
an honor well deserved!
Great people deserve great honors
and you two are great people!
Heidi and Lee Rigney
Full Page
Full Page
Mazal Tov to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
& Briana and Matthew Holden
on their honors.
Shelah and Burton Scherl
Full Page

Sear House
411 Piermont Road
Closter, NJ 07624
Sear Restaurant
Full Page
Congratulations to Temple Emanu-El's
leadership and its staff
on 90 wonderful years.
Mazal Tov to the honorees:
Bonnie & Corey
Briana & Matthew
May you go
from Strength to Strength.
Pearl Seiden and Family
Full Page
Mazel Tov to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
and Briana and Matthew Holden
Ellen and Lloyd Sokoloff
Full Page
Full Page
Bonnie and Corey
on this well deserved honor.
We would also like to congratulate
our wonderful Rabbi's and Cantor
on another great year at our beautiful temple.
Lisa and Mark Spivack
Full Page
Full Page
Mazal Tov to Temple Emanu-El
on its 90th Celebration
honoring our strong community
of leaders and innovators.
Timco Dependable
Swimming Pool Service
Full Page
Mazal Tov to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
& Briana and Matthew Holden
on their honors.
Deborah and Ken Tuchman
Full Page
In recognition of 
Bonnie and Corey Notis
recipients of the Founders' Award
Briana and Matthew Holden
of the Young Leadership Award.
Amy and David Zagin
Half Page
Bonnie, Corey, Briana and Matthew,
You inspire us with your devotion
to our beloved Temple Emanu-El.
We are so proud that you are such admired leaders
in our community.
Mazal Tov!
Steven and Lisa Marcus Abramowitz
Half Page
 (click ad to visit site)

450 Huyler Street, Suite 101  South Hackensack, NJ 07606
Phone: (201) 228-3700 Fax: (201) 288-5310
[email protected]
Half Page
Aura Limo
348 Railroad Avenue
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Aura Limo
Half Page
In honor of the warm hug
Temple Emanu-el
has been giving Bereisheet
and the Israeli-American community.
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Half Page
Half Page

Dimora Ristorante
100 Piermont Rd
Norwood, NJ 07648
Dimora Restaurant
Half Page
Congratulations to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
on this well-deserved honor.
All Our Best Wishes,
Debra and Seth Finkel
Half Page
Mazal Tov to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
on their well deserved honor!
Stephanie and Jonathan Freilich
Half Page
Mazal Tov to Temple Emanu-El
and its dedicated staff
and supporters for their efforts
in creating and maintaining
a strong, caring, Jewish Community
in Bergen County.
Myra and Manny Genn
Half Page
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Emily and Michael Gutter
Half Page
If I am because I am I, then I am I and you are you.
But if I am I because you are you, and you are you because
I am I then I am not I and you are not you..
Happy 90th Birthday to Temple Emanu-El.
Continue to thrive...
Mazel Tov to our honorees,
Briana and Matt Holden and Family and the Notis Family
Robin and Debbie Klein and Family
Jeremy and Adrienne Roth and Family
Meyer and Pnina Kattan and Family
Grandma Esther Abramowitz
Half Page
Mazel Tov to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
on their Founders' Award!
Thank you for everything that you do
for the community.
Michele and Gary Kronfled
Half Page

One River School
49 N. Dean Street
Englewood, NJ 07631
One River School
Half Page
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Maxine and Bob Peckar
Half Page
School of Rock
50 Piermont Road
Cresskill, NJ 07626
School of Rock
Half Page
Mazal Tov to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
& Briana and Matthew Holden
on their honors.
Susan and Chuck Silberman
Half Page
Syros Taverna
51 E Palisade Ave,
Englewood, NJ 07631
Syros Taverna
Half Page
Tenafly Bicycle Workshop
175 County Road
Tenafly, NJ 07670
Tenafly Bicycle Workshop
Half Page
Congratulations to
Bonnie and Corey,
Briana and Matt.
Thank you for your leadership
and contribution to the Temple.
The Gillon Family
Half Page
Quarter Page
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
& Briana and Matthew Holden
on their honors.
Gayle and Gary Alweiss
Quarter Page
Amaril Florez
Make-Up Artist
Quarter Page
Quarter Page

The Barn
570 Piermont Rd
Closter, NJ 07624
Barn, Closter
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to the Honorees
and to Temple Emanu-El's 90th Anniversary
Alan I. Benvenisty
M.D. Professor Vascular and Transplant Surgery,
Mount Sinai
1090 Amsterdam Ave, New York NY 10025 (212) 523-4706
[email protected] * www.drbenvenisty.com
Quarter Page
Quarter Page
Quarter Page
In recognition of
Bonnie and Corey Notis
recipients of the Founders' Award
& Briana and Matthew Holden
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Jaime and Andrew Ceitlin
Quarter Page
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Chez Cheese
Quarter Page
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Quarter Page
Quarter Page

Dean Street Greenery
24 N. Dean Street
Englewood, NJ 07631
Dean Street Greenery
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to
Bonnie and Corey
on this most deserving honor.
We are thrilled to share
this special evening with you.
With Love,
Joanne and Fred Ehrlich
Andrea and Lester Samuels
Quarter Page
Quarter Page

505 Westgate Dr
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
Quarter Page
Temple Emanu-El 90 years and thriving!
Best wishes to
Bonnie and Corey
& Briana and Matthew
on being honored by our Temple.
Diane Fink
Quarter Page
Quarter Page
Quarter Page
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov Bonnie and Corey
Thanks for all you do
for our community!
 Clive, Emma, Hayley,
Amanda and Lauren Gershon
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov 
Bonnie and Corey
and Briana and Matthew
Thank you for the dedication
and commitment
you have given to our community.
Shelley, Emma, Hayley,
Amanda and Lauren Gershon
Quarter Page
Quarter Page
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Barb and Matt Golub
Quarter Page
Good Life Training
Quarter Page
Best wishes to
Temple Emanu-El
on their 90th Anniversary.
Milly and Sy Graye
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Mazal Tov to
Bonnie and Corey
Notis & Briana and Matthew Holden
on their honors.
Jillian and Daniel Herz
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Isabella's Fine Foods & Catering
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Congratulations to
all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Brian and Erika Jacob
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Joseph's Restaurant
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Kieran McKenna Salon
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We honor
Bonnie & Corey Notis
and Briana & Matthew Holden
for their active participation
and contributions to
our synagogue community.
Yasher Koach,
Carol and Michael Kopelman
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We salute
Bonnie and Corey Notis
for their extraordinary commitment
in support of Temple Emanu-El.
Laurie Ruckel and David Ulrich
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Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
& Briana and Matthew Holden
on their well deserved honors.

The Molinas-Mitchel Family
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Mr. Tod's Pie Factory
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Pinky Nail Salon
32 Riveredge Road
Tenafly, NJ
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Bonnie and Corey,
Mazal Tov and with gratitude
for all you do for so many!
With love,
The Pogachefsky's
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Mazel Tov to the Honorees!
Bonnie & Corey, we are delighted to celebrate this
well-deserved honor with you.
With love,
Sharon and Doug Potolsky
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We are so proud of our cousins
Bonnie and Corey Notis
on being honored for
their dedication and service to
Temple Emanu-El.
Stacey Sobel
Liz & David Martin
June & Ira Resnick
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I am so proud of you
Bonnie and Corey.
All the luck in the world to you and
Temple Emanu-El.
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Corey and Bonnie
Que Dios Los Bendiga siempre!
Peter, Pam, Tommy Rosenstein
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Congratulations to
Matt and Briana
and all the Honorees!
Brandi and Jed Rubin and Family
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Salon Bliss
33 Riveredge Road
Tenafly, NJ
(201) 568-8222
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8 Washington Street
Tenafly NJ * (201) 568-5858
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35 Union Avenue
Cresskill, NJ 07626
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Mazal Tov
Corey and Bonnie!!!
Debbi and Gary Shedlin
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Mazel Tov to
Bonnie and Corey Notis
in honor of their well deserved Founders Award
and to
Briana and Matthew Holden
on their Young Leadership Award
Mazel Tov to Temple Emanu-El
on your 90th Birthday!
Caryn Sherry
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Stacie Ford Weddings
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Mazal Tov to Temple Emanu-El
on its 90th Celebration
as well as to the well deserved honorees.
Best Wishes
Andrea and Neil Strahl
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Studio LC
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Super Juice Nation
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Mazal Tov to Temple Emanu-El
on its 90th Celebration
honoring our strong community
of leaders and innovators
The Schwarz Family
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Ruth Aach
Rebecca Gordon
Kim's Courtesy Cleaners
Rita Krell
Ruth Ellen Schiff Seidenberg
Tal Steinberg
Audrey & Richard Winograd
Children's Listing
Meryl and Sam Becourtney
Ethan Cohen
Joshua Gabrel Igel
Sarah Danielle Igel
Allison and Jacqueline Jesner
Alyssa Kopf
Evan Kopf
Jonathan Kopf
Children's Listing
Morgan and Hannah Krell
Danielle Rosenberg
Scott Rosenberg
David Silver
Lilliana Silver
Stephanie, Brooke and Jodi Zingler